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He touched the child with his jeweled scepter and all present bowed low before the babe and showed him the respect and devotion due to a prince. Hormuz, however, was too cruel to be quite satisfied. He feared to harm the boy, but he wanted some proof that Bostanai was really a descendant of King David.

Bostanai became the Shah's favorite, and when he grew up he was made the ruler of a province. He lived happily, and through him the Jews of the land also lived in prosperity and peace. From Shepherd-Boy to King On a desolate plain, a little shepherd-boy stood alone.

"He shall be brought up as a prince," said the king. "Servants, attendants and slaves shall he have in great number to minister unto all his needs. He shall be treated with the utmost kindness. And because of my dream in the garden, I name him Bostanai." The Shah did this because "bostan" is the Persian word for rose garden.

He had not slept in that bower since the night of his fateful dream, and he was not happy about doing so now. But he did not lack courage, and he called the boy to him. "Bostanai," he said, "stand guard by the door, and move not while I sleep." Hormuz slept soundly and peacefully for some time, and when he awoke he saw the lad standing motionless where he had placed himself.

"Bostanai," he called, and when the boy turned, he was startled to see blood trickling from a wound on his face. "What is that?" he asked, anxiously. "The sting of a wasp," Bostanai replied. "Is it not painful?" For answer, the boy only smiled. "How did it happen?" asked the king. "The wasp stung me while I stood guard." "But couldst thou not brush it away?" "No," replied the boy, proudly.

Here is also the grave of Bostanai the Nasi, the head of the Captivity, and of R. Nathan and Rab Nachman the son of Papa. Thence it takes five days to Hadara, where about 15,000 Jews dwell, at their head being R. Zaken, R. Jehosef and R. Nethanel .

The princess did not give her answer immediately, but in due course she did; and once again, the prince returned home, this time happier than ever. Sitting by his side in the chariot of state, was the princess, radiant in smiles, for the people welcomed her heartily, strewing flowers in her path. And ever afterward there was happiness throughout the land. The Story of Bostanai

R. Zakkai, the son of Bostanai the Nasi, is the head of the Sium . And at the head of them all is Daniel the son of Hisdai, who is styled "Our Lord the Head of the Captivity of all Israel." He possesses a book of pedigrees going back as far as David, King of Israel.