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Doctor Bontius has spoken of you, worthy man; you have cared well for this dead woman. Bury her according to the customs of your church; we have come to arrange the earthly possessions she leaves behind. Perhaps this casket may contain the will." "No, sir," replied the priest.

With Sister Gonzaga's hands, your voice, and the doctor's yes, I will say with Doctor Bontius' candor, it won't be difficult to recover entirely." "Good, good," murmured the physician. "Kind Sister Gonzaga's injuries are not serious and she will stay with you, but when it is time for you to sleep, you will be moved elsewhere.

"Only my father; but what of that?" He will rejoice over your recovery; Doctor Bontius says you will soon be perfectly well." "I think so too," replied Henrica confidently, and then said softly, without heeding Maria's presence: "There is one beautiful thing. When I am well again, I shall once more Do you practise music?" "Yes, dear Fraulein."

"I can bear witness to that," cried Doctor Bontius, rising and shaking hands with Maria more cordially than ever before. Then he motioned towards Peter, and exclaimed to the assembled guests: "Will you excuse the burgomaster for a moment?"

"Donkeys dance on ropes, school-boys dabble in doctor's business! Show me the thing at once! We want no quack wares." "Quack wares!" replied Adrian eagerly. "It cost all my fair money, and it's good medicine." During this little discussion Doctor Bontius came down-stairs with the burgomaster's wife. He had heard the boy's last words and asked sternly: "Where did you get the stuff?"

"You are acting with the Prince's commissioner." Peter smiled bitterly, saying: "He took to his bed yesterday. Bontius says it is the plague. I, I alone bear everything." "We bear it with you," cried Maria. "First poverty, then hunger, as we promised." "Better than that. The last grain was baked today. The bread is exhausted." "We still have oxen and horses."

The priest approached and, hastily casting a side glance at the burgomaster's wife, exclaimed: "She speaks through her nose, and Fraulein Henrica said just now it made her ache to hear her talk; I must keep her away." Doctor Bontius reflected a moment, and then said: "There are eyes that cannot endure a glare of light, and perhaps certain tones may seem unbearable to irritated ears.

Bontius bade his friend farewell and left him, but Peter thrust his hand through his hair and stood gazing out of the window, until Barbara entered, laid his official costume on a chair and asked with feigned carelessness: "May I give Adrian some of the last biscuit? Meat is repulsive to him. He's lying on the bed, writhing in pain."

Bontius bade his friend farewell and left him, but Peter thrust his hand through his hair and stood gazing out of the window, until Barbara entered, laid his official costume on a chair and asked with feigned carelessness: "May I give Adrian some of the last biscuit? Meat is repulsive to him. He's lying on the bed, writhing in pain."

This deadly reptile has some resemblance to the chameleon; his head, almost triangular, is big in proportion to his body; the eyes are very large, the tongue is flat, covered with small scales, and the end is rounded; the teeth are sharp, and so strong that, according to Bontius, they are able to make an impression even on steel.