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Far from discouraging the talkative half-breeds, whose blood was up with the sights of carnage, McLeod and his fellow-officers expressed their approbation of the deeds done, and the Bois-brulés became boisterous in detailing their victories.

The Bois-brulés victory being now complete, the messenger was despatched Westward to tell the news far and near." The Seven Oaks affair was the most shocking episode that ever occurred in North-Western history.

But one fell too far out, and another not far enough. About fifteen men were along the banks in violent excitement, and every one of them saw nothing but doom for Annette. As the canoe neared a point about two hundred yards above the falls, a young white-man all the rest were bois-brules rushed out upon the bank, with a paddle in his hand, and without a word sprang into the mad waters.

They drew a line upon the earth as they had done before, squabbling over its distance from the painted post; Bois-Brules, their keen eyes gleaming, haggling for a greater stretch, and presently Maren stood upon that line and they had pressed into her hand a bright new hatchet, one of those bought from McElroy himself in the first days of trading.

They are riding past the settlement in scores every day. O, Rufus, I know something is wrong." "So do I," was my rejoinder. I was thinking of the strange gossip of the Assiniboine encampment. "Do you think the Bois-Brulés would plunder your boats?" she asked innocently, ignorant that the malcontents were Nor'-Westers. "No," said I. "What boats?"

"They brought them so far, they would have reached their own country but for a band of Bois-Brules, who joined them some suns back with that red liquor whose touch is hell to an Indian. They had gone wild, M'sieu; wild!" She was very weary and she shuddered a bit at the word. "And, so, that is all, save that we had done that much toward escaping when you found us."

The two fighting men at sound of that cry following hard upon the shot stopped rigidly, still clasped in the grip of rage, the women staring wide-eyed from the wall, the Bois-Brules, the leaning eager faces of the wild Nakonkirhirinons, the figure of the girl in the foreground, all, all were stricken into stillness by that dirge-like cry.

The good Pierre Falcon had composed it, That the praise of these Bois-brulés Might be evermore recorded. The scene changes to the home of the founder of the Colony. The Earl of Selkirk is living at his interesting seat St.

I know from Grant, as well as from other Bois-brulés, and other settlers, that some of the Colonists had been taken prisoners. Grant told me that they were taken to weaken the Colony, and prevent its being known that they were there they having supposed that they had passed the Fort unobserved. "Their intention clearly was to pass the Fort. I saw no carts, though I heard they had carts with them.

In less time than the telling, a circle of faces drew round, dark faces of Indians and Bois-Brules, light faces of De Courtenay's men, and in all there leaped swift excitement as they saw the combatants.