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"All these days that you've been so friendly an' like a pardner all these evenin's that have been so bewilderin' to me your beauty an' an' the way you looked an' came close to me they were woman's tricks to bind my hands?" "Yes." "An' your sweetness that seemed so natural, an' your throwin' little Fay an' me so much together to make me love the child all that was for the same reason?" "Yes."

And as we floated along by Jackson Park, and could git a plain view of the perfect buildin's the lagoons with fairy boats a-skimmin' over the sparklin' surface in fact, in plain view of the hull vast, bewilderin' seen of matchless splendor why, I declare I felt almost as if I wuz took back clear into the Arabian Nights Entertainments, and magic seens wuz bein' unfolded before my enraptured vision.

"'Hide away, then, I said, but my mind was elsewhere, for all of a sudden, I had been hit in the eye with a brilliant inspiration. "The following morning, when I took our ole man his early tea, I found 'im sitting up in bed sucking a fat cigar and bewilderin' himself with the brigade orders. "'I beg your pardon, sir! I says, 'but may I have a word with you?

I wanted to go right up to Festival Hall the first minute, it didn't seem fur it wuz through such seens of bewilderin' beauty, but a bystander standin' by said it wuz half a mild. But Josiah kinder nudged me and said, "Mebby we'd better take the Immoral Railway. With you by my side, Samantha, I feel I can face its dangers." Sez I, "Where has your principle gone that you had this mornin', Josiah?"

What with them silences an' volyoobilities, sobrieties an' days of drink, an' all in bewilderin' alternations, he's shore got us goin' four ways at once.

Why, the three Cascades are three hundred feet long. Beautiful in the daytime as a dream of Paradise! fancy it in the evening when thousands and thousands of colored lights lend their glowin' charm to the seen. Why you almost cover your eyes from the bewilderin' glory on't.