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Lastly, in 1831 Captain Wyeth and his brother explored Oregon, and the neighbouring districts of the Rocky Mountains. After Humboldt's journey in Mexico, one explorer succeeded another in Central America. In 1787, Bernasconi discovered the now famous ruins of Palenque.

Above these canopies is a row of panelling with the plaster angels of Bernasconi above it, at the beginning of the cornice. The rest of the cornice is made up of a row of sculptured ornament and a row of cusped arches terminating in the "Tudor flower" ornament, alternating with rows of plain moulding.

She has suddenly recovered and will have the honor of appearing before your majesties in a few moments." "But what said Bernasconi of the Polish singer?" "She does not know her name, your majesty. She showed me a letter from Colonel Dumourriez, the French plenipotentiary to the Polish Republic.

"And it would seem that the Empress of Russia has some intention of making a serious attack upon the poor old lady," said Frederick, while for the second time he took a pinch from the snuff-box of the crafty Austrian. Meanwhile the concert was going on. Bernasconi, completely restored, sang the beautiful air from "Orpheus and Eurydice," and Frederick applauded as before.

"Bernasconi must have been made sick by her anxiety to appear well in your majesty's critical eyes." "Do not believe it. These princesses of the stage are more capricious than veritable princesses. Above all, the Italians." "But Bernasconi," said Kaunitz, "is not an Italian. She belongs to a noble Polish family." "So much the worse," laughed Frederick. "That Polish blood is forever boiling over.

"Sire, I have to apologize to you for this unlucky contretemps. Signora Bernasconi has been taken suddenly sick." "Oh!" replied Frederick, laughing, "I am quite au fait to the sudden illness of prima donnas. But since I have ordered a half month's salary to be withdrawn from every singer who falls sick on a night of representation, my cantatrices at Berlin enjoy unprecedented health."

"Sire, I am unable to find it out. The lady has left the theatre, and no one here, not even the director, knows her name." "Strange," said the emperor. "Let a messenger, then, be sent to Bernasconi: she, of course, must know." "Pardon me, your majesty, I have been to Bernasconi. She is here, preparing to sing her second air.

These finials are an addition of the beginning of the century, and are of plaster. They are the work of an Italian sculptor, Bernasconi by name, and, considering the circumstances, are unusually good. Round the tomb is a railing, presented by Archbishop Markham, also of the beginning of the century, and of very poor design.

"Your majesty," said the emperor, "has done injustice, for once, to a prima donna. Bernasconi is really sick, but she has sent a substitute." "These substitutes," said Frederick, "are always on the look-out for such opportunities of sliding into notice; but unhappily they are not often equal to the tasks they are so eager to perform." "This substitute," said Joseph, "is no rival opera-singer.

As the countess perceived it, she walked rapidly toward the instrument and sat down before it. "I will sing," said she. "The emperor loves music, above all things the music of Gluck." She turned over the leaves, and then said, softly: "`Orpheus and Eurydice! La, Bernasconi told me that this was his favorite opera. Oh, that I knew which aria he loved the best?"