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"Me," replied the Mexican, and managed to speak without removing the cigarette. "I'm glad to know you." she answered. "I am Marianne Jordan." At this, Manuel Cordova removed his cigarette, regardless of the ashes which tumbled straightway down the bell-mouthed sleeve of his jacket; for a Mexican deems it highly indecorous to pay the slightest heed to his tobacco ashes.

Don't you think so?" To this I assented gladly, and Peterkin replied by laying down a huge bell-mouthed blunderbuss, and divesting himself of a pair of enormous horse-pistols with which he had purposed to overawe the natives! We then jumped into our boat and rowed ashore.

The tube is made of thin porcelain, slightly bell-mouthed at its open end, and is mounted in a thick metal washer W, as shown in fig. 18 in section, the joint being made with a little asbestos paper, moistened.

Why, I once knew a man named Snip who said he had been attacked one night in South America by a sarpint full forty feet long, and who saved his life by means of a blunderbuss, though he didn't fire at the reptile at all." "Indeed, how was that?" asked Jerry. "Why, just because his weapon was bell-mouthed an' loaded a'most to the muzzle.

He put the short rowels to the flanks of the sturdy lowland pony he bestrode, and conceded not so little as a look behind. There was the explosion of a bell-mouthed musket, and something smote the horse spatteringly behind the rider's left boot. The beast swerved, gave a scream of pain, fell lumberingly on its side.

While matters were in this state outside, Mary Jackson and Buttercup were standing at an upper window just opposite the front gate, the latter with a huge bell-mouthed blunderbuss of the last century, loaded with buckshot in her hands. Mary stood beside her sable domestic ready to direct her not as to how, but where and when, to use the ancient weapon.

While halting a few minutes at lower Topechee we fell in with an Uzbeg warrior, a most formidable looking personage, armed, in addition to the usual weapons of his country, with a huge bell-mouthed blunderbuss at least three inches in diameter; the individual himself was peaceably enough disposed, and, contrary to the usual habit of Asiatics, made no objections to our examining the small cannon he carried.

"Ah that's the question, Barnabas!" said John, fixing his gaze on the bell-mouthed blunderbuss that hung over the mantel, "what might it all mean that's the question, lad." "It means, father and Natty Bell, that I have been all the way to London to learn what you, being so much wiser than I, tried to teach me that a sow's ear is not a silk purse, nor ever can be."

Now, however, observing the preparations above referred to, he felt it to be his duty to prepare for the worst, and quietly loaded his bell-mouthed weapon with a heavy charge of buckshot. "What's that you're after, boy?" asked George Dally, who was making some final arrangements at the fire, before lying down for the night.

Don't you think so?" To this I assented gladly; and Peterkin replied by laying down a huge bell-mouthed blunderbuss, and divesting himself of a pair of enormous horse-pistols, with which he had purposed to overawe the natives! We then jumped into our boat and rowed ashore.