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"We go slow," Luis explained nervously because of the look in the black, unreadable eyes of this straight, slim Indian girl who was so beautiful and so silent. "They go muy fas', Ramon an' Beel. Poco tiempo sure, we fin' dem little soon." Annie-Many-Ponies did not betray by so much as a quiver of an eyelash that Luis had mentioned Bill unwittingly.

"Puzzled by the apparently unfamiliar name, I asked: "'Pardon me, but whom did you say? "'Vy, Bouf-falo Beel, ze famous Bouf-falo Beel, zat gr-reat countryman of yours. You must know him. "After a moment's thought, I recognized the well-known showman's name in its disguise.

The wife of a London embassy attache relates the following story: "During the time that Colonel Cody was making his triumphant tour of Europe, I was one night seated at a banquet next to the Belgian Consul. Early in the course of the conversation he asked: "'Madame, you haf undoubted been to see ze gr-rand Bouf-falo Beel?

"'E weel leave weeth W'itey Lewees word of w'ere 'e go," Courvoiseur reassured her. "An' my man, w'ich ees my bruzzer-law, w'ich I can mos' fully trus', 'e weel follow 'eem. So Beel 'e ees arrange. 'E ees say mos' parteecular if madame ees come or weesh for forward message, geet heem to me queeck. Oui. Long tam Beel ees know me. I am for depend always."

The wide-eyed little chap obeyed the big sailor, his yellow curls falling over his eyes. He continued to stare at her, with a fat thumb tucked in a corner of his mouth. "Me come say heem Beel Atkins heem go aff to St. Jean to-day. Heem got load of feesh." "That is important news, Miss Jelliffe. Civilization is opening its arms to you," I told her.