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"Yes, Sir John; Miss Beavan rode her last season." "Ah, she is a good rider. Well, I wish you would put a side-saddle and a skirt on her, and exercise her this morning. I might want to to lend her to a lady; but she must be perfectly quiet. You can take her out every day this week."

He was happier when he had written and directed this letter. "I must be alone just now," he murmured. "I could not bear Maurice's chatter it would jar upon me." Then he put on his hat and strolled out. He looked in at the stables one minute, and called the head groom to him. "Wright, did not Mr. Beavan say, when I bought that new bay mare of him, that she had carried a lady to hounds?"

Mrs Asplin had a book in her hand, in which from time to time she jotted down notes of a curious and inconsequent character. "Pay attention to private reading. Gas-fire in her bedroom for chilly weather. See dentist in Christmas holidays. Query: gold plate over eye-tooth? Boots to order, Beavan and Company, Oxford Street. Cod-liver oil in winter. Careless about changing shoes.

On joining her he saw that she was examining a finely-built canoe with a hole in one bilge. She looked up at him ruefully. "It's sad, isn't it? That stupid Little did it with his clumsy cart." "I think it could be mended," Vane replied. "Old Beavan he's the wheelwright said it couldn't; and Dad said I could hardly expect him to send the canoe back to Kingston.

Mabel, without noticing his silence, went on: "I heard Stevens he's the gamekeeper tell Beavan that Dad should have been a rabbit because he's so fond of burrowing. No doubt, that meant that he couldn't keep out of mines."

When the board had been sawed up, Vane borrowed a few tools and copper nails, and he and Mabel went back to the canoe. On the way she glanced at him curiously. "I wasn't sure old Beavan would let you have the things," she remarked. "It isn't often he'll even lend a hammer, but he seemed to take to you; I think it was the way you handled his plane."