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And the pretty scene ended so abruptly that Selwyn laughed aloud as he rejoined her: "There was a man 'Boots' Lansing in Bannard's command. One night on Samar the bolo-men rushed us, and Lansing got into the six-foot major's boots by mistake seven-leaguers, you know and his horse bucked him clean out of them."

"Usually I am very careful in matters of importance, and I am only able to attribute the really indecent butchery to the last few sups I took from General Bannard's demijohn. My hand was very unsteady, wasn't it, dearest?" "Miserably so. See, Mr. Garrison, on my neck you can see the five scars, indications of his ruthlessness. One stroke should have been sufficient, a doctor told me afterwards.

And then to have that happen!" "Phil?" "What?" "Will you answer me one thing?" "Yes, I guess so." "Do you still care for her?" "I am sorry for her." After a painful silence his sister said: "Could you tell me how it began, Phil?" "How it began? I don't know that, either. When Bannard's command took the field I went with the scouts. Alixe remained in Manila. Ruthven was there for Fane, Harmon & Co.

"In speaking of great individual plays that have won close games, his name should go down with Charlie Daly, Clint Wyckoff, Arthur Poe, Snake Ames and Dudley Dean, for with Reiter's splendid interference in putting out the Harvard left end, Billy Bannard's touchdown gave Princeton the confidence to carry her to victory that day and to the ultimate championship two weeks later." Harry Hooper