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As I had to wait a day or two for her promised address her letter conveying it gave me no particular news of herself I did not receive her answer until I reached London. It was characteristic: My Dear Tony, Thanks for your interesting letter. I've adopted a mongrel Irish Terrier the most fascinating skinful of sin the world has ever produced. I'll show him to you some day. Yours, Auriol

It will sweeten our lives. But, as you say, it's over. It has to be over." "There's no way out," said he. "It's doubly locked. Good-bye." He bent and kissed her hand. To the casual French valetudinarians sitting and strolling in the park, it was nothing but a social formality. But to Auriol the touch of his lips meant the final parting of their lives, the consecrated burial of their love.

Lady Auriol, in fact, was a great traveller. She had not only gone all over the world anybody can do that but she had gone all through the world. Alone, she had taken her fate in her hands. In comparison with other geographical exploits, her journey through Abyssinia was but a trip to Margate. She had wandered about Turkestan. She had crossed China.

She and General Lackaday had been hand in glove for months. He evidently more than admired her. Auriol, said Sir Julius, in her don't-care-a-dam-for-anybody sort of way made no pretence of disguising her sentiments. Any fool could see she was in love with the man. And they had affiched themselves together all over the place.

At any rate, Lady Auriol, having taken me into her confidence months ago, couldn't very well tell me to go to the devil, and, if she did, couldn't maintain the mandate with much show of outraged dignity. I did not meet her till dinner. She came down in a sort of low cut red and bronze frock without any sleeves I had never seen so much of her before and what I saw was exceedingly beautiful.

There was one peculiarity in his performance which distinguished him from French open-air artisteshe never spoke. Possibly he was diffident of his French accent. He simply uttered a grunt when he wished to call attention to any extraordinary perfection in his performance; in imitation, perhaps, of theLa!—la!” of the prince of French acrobats, Auriol.

"The family has been the curse of my life," said Auriol. "If I hadn't anticipated them or is it it? by telling them to go to the devil, they would have disowned me long ago. Now they're afraid of me, and I've got the whip hand. A kind of blackmail; so they let me alone." "But if you made a mesalliance, as they call it," said I, "they'd be down upon you like a cartload of bricks."

They had also asked him to go over and see them. Would I be so kind as to regard this as a dies non in the rota of our pleasant gatherings? I dressed and bought some flowers, which I sent up to Lady Auriol with a polite message. The chasseur returned saying that Miladi had gone out about half an hour before. "You don't mean that she has left the hotel with her luggage?"

Since then the music has not been very brilliant. There are religious services every Sunday morning and evening at St. Thomas's, and on Thursday night a small gathering of the faithful takes place in the building. The trustees of the church are Miss Margaret Ann Beckles, St. Leonard's; Samuel Husband Beckles, Esq., of the Middle Temple; the Rev. Edward Auriol, St. Dunstans; the Rev.

If it had not been for her mother who left her a small fortune of a thousand or so a year, Auriol would have been as penniless as her two married sisters. Her brother, Lord Vintrey, once a wastrel subaltern of Household Cavalry, and, after a dashing, redeeming war record, now an expensive Lieutenant-Colonel, ate up all the ready money that Lord Mountshire could screw out of his estates.