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And in the end the Commissioner himself decided that neither this nor other evidence could justify a finding against Captain Gemmell that he "recovered documents from Antarctica which were relevant to the fatal flight, and which he did not account for to the proper authorities".

They have not, however, made clear the plans they may have, if any, for mutual inspection and verification the essential condition for any extensive measure of disarmament. There is one instance where our initiative for peace has recently been successful. A multi-lateral treaty signed last month provides for the exclusively peaceful use of Antarctica, assured by a system of inspection.

There was one man awake, on stand-by watch. A radio glowed beside him a short-wave unit, tuned to the frequency used by all the bases of all the nations on Antarctica English, French, Belgian, Danish, Russian. The stand-by man yawned. There was nothing to do. "There's no story in my work," said Soames politely. "I work with this wave-guide radar. It's set to explore the sky instead of the horizon.

He had read up on all the literature about microcryotrons, but he'd never actually seen one before. He had reason to be curious about microcryotrons. There was something definitely screwy going on in Antarctica.

First Officer Rhodes had himself been in Antarctica as a member of Mr Chippindale's investigation team, representing there the Airline Pilots Association. He appeared as a witness before the Royal Commission on two occasions. During his first appearance he was called by the Association.

It is said in paragraph 351 "that the chief inspector had obtained possession of the small pocket diary, but it did not contain any particulars relating to Antarctica flights". At the hearing Mrs Collins described the diary and said that on 12th December 1979 Captain Crosbie had returned it to her together with certain other items of personal property belonging to her husband.

It is difficult to understand why the Commissioner considered "this silence over the changing of the co-ordinates and the failure to tell the air crew" had been "a strategy which succeeded to a very considerable degree". The information had been given to the chief inspector immediately on his return from Antarctica. That much is acknowledged in the two sentences that follow.

From the start Pennell, who was to relieve me in command of the ship on her arrival at the Antarctic base, showed an astounding knowledge of birds, and Wilson took the keenest interest in teaching him about bird-life in the Great Southern ocean and giving him a preliminary idea of the bird types to be met with in Antarctica.