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If you're lucky, an' fill up with nitrate soon, you may be 'ome again. If not, I'll 'ave to whack up a special quotation. After that, there'll be no insurance. The Andromeeda goes for wot she'll fetch." Another pause; then Coke broached a new phase. "Meanin' that I lose the two thousand pounds I put in 'er to get my berth?" he said huskily. "An' wot about me? I lose eight times as much.

"I don't see where I can lay 'ands on a better man than you, Jimmie, even if you do talk nonsense at times. You know the South American trade, an' you know me. By gad, I'll do that. Anyhow, it's wot you deserve, but none the less, I'm actin' as a reel friend, now ain't I? Many a man would just lay you up alongside the Andromeeda."

An', if the Andromeeda was scrapped at Fernando Noronha, 'oo were the freebooters that collared the island, an' 'ow did this 'ere De Sylva get to Maceio? Are you listenin'?" "Yes," said Bulmer, turning at last, and devouring Verity with his deep-set eyes. "Well, wot d'ye think of it?" "Did you send the ship to Fernando Noronha?" It is needless to place on record the formula of David's denial.

"I kem along now' 'coss I want to be aboard afore it's dark. We're moored in an awkward place." "Poor owd Andromeeda! Just 'er usual luck, eh, Jimmie?" "Well, she ain't wot you might call one of fortune's fav'rits, but she's afloat, an' that's more'n you can say for a good many daisy-cutters I've known." Verity chuckled.

It must not be forgotten that Coke shared with his employer a certain unclassical freedom in the pronunciation of the ship's name; the long "e" apparently puzzled the other man. "Andromeeda?" he muttered. "Spell it!" "My godfather, this is an asylum for sure," grunted Coke, in a spasm of furious mirth. "A-n-d-r-o-m-e-d-a. Now you've got it. Ain't it up to Portygee standard? A-n-d-r-o-m-e-d-a!

She was engaged to my friend, Mr. Bulmer, but, bein' a slip of a girl, an' fond o' romancin', she just put herself aboard the Andromeeda without sayin' 'with your leave' or 'by your leave. She wrote me a letter, w'ich sort of explains the affair. D'you want to see it?" "If I may." "No," said Bulmer.