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When the ground controller blended the targets of the two F-86's into the unidentified target, they were at 30,000 feet and were looking for the target at their altitude or higher so they missed the low-flying jet but they did see the balloon.

The bush was very open, and in many portions the country was a succession of deep dells, which in the wet season were covered with high grass, but at this time the young grass was hardly three inches high, having sprouted after the recent fires. From an altitude of about 1,000 feet above the Asua river, we had a splendid view of the entire landscape.

How long have you been out? Five months. Then you're hungry. We've just ate. But a piece of pie? pie? I've been dreamin' of pie!" A fire already burned in the big living-room of the cabin, for at this season, at such an altitude, the shadows were always cold, and around the fire they gathered, each of the men with half a huge pie before him.

The length of the church was 150 feet, having an altitude of 60 feet. It was supported by thirty-two pillars, eight of which were very lofty, being 42 feet high, 18 feet thick, and 45 feet in circumference; the remaining twenty-four were 10 feet thick, 25 feet in circumference, and 18 feet in height.

Bland righted it, but Johnny held his breath at the way the ground had jumped up at them. Ahead, and a little to one side, three riders went creeping up a slope. They seemed to be heading toward Sinkhole Camp, and Johnny signaled Bland to keep off, and so avoid scaring the horses. But the slight detour cost them precious feet of altitude while the nearest sandy stretch was yet far off.

It is 90 miles in diameter, with a border much broken by depressions, especially on the N.E. At one peak on this side it rises to the tremendous altitude of 13,000 feet above the floor, and at peaks on the W. more than 1000 feet higher. There is a crowd of ring-plains on the N.E. quarter of the interior, and some hills and craterlets in other parts of it. It is also crossed by rays from Tycho.

The meridian, altitude of the sun was observed this day by an artificial horizon, which I noticed from the circumstance of its being the last time we had an opportunity of observing it for about four months.

But just as he banked into a left turn he noticed that they were nosing down, sharply. He flew along the misty edge of a cloud, watching closely. Down, down, they went, becoming mere specks against the blue-grey ground haze. They were about to make a landing! There could be no doubt of it, though at this distance and altitude he could not make out their hangars.

As every one knows, it is in the neighborhood of one hundred and eighty feet high and I beg to observe that one hundred and eighty feet reach to about the hight of four ordinary three-story buildings piled one on top of the other, and is a very considerable altitude for a tower of uniform thickness to aspire to, even when it stands upright yet this one leans more than thirteen feet out of the perpendicular.

Later the glaciers became more frequent, and they lay on slopes so steep that it was very hard to ascend them on our skis. On the first night we camped at a spot which lay 2,100 feet above sea level. On the second day we continued to climb up the mountains, mainly over several small glaciers. Our next camp for the night was at an altitude of 4,100 feet above the sea.