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But for Burke's treatise, a wide gap would have been left both in the philosophy and the criticism of the eighteenth century; and it is to be wished that later times had done more to work the vein which he so skilfully explored. As it is, the writers both of France and Germany above all, Hegel in his Aesthetik have laboured with incomparably more effect than his own countrymen, Mr.

The last of these was reprinted in the appendix to the Grundzüge der Aesthetik, 1884, which contains, further, a chronological table of Lotze's works, essays, and critiques, as well as of his lectures. Hugo Sommer has zealously devoted himself to the popularization of the Lotzean system. The subject of metaphysics is reality.

He would eat the bread and drink the wine. That afternoon she took her book into the garden. Mark came to her there. Mamma, tired with the long service, dozed in the drawing-room. Mark read over her shoulder: "'Wir haben in der Transcendentalen Aesthetik hinreichend bewiesen. Do it in English."

And that is the province not of physiology but of psychology, and of what the Germans call Aesthetik This province, however, is but seldom entered by Burke. What, then, was it that drove Burke to a position so markedly at variance with the idealism of his later years? In all probability it was his rooted suspicion of reasoning as a deliberate and conscious process.

Our space only allows us to give a glance, first, at the metaphysics of the beautiful as developed by Hegel in the first part of his 'Aesthetik, and then at the later development of the same system in recent writers issuing from his school.

In the dramatic type of unity there are two chief dangers that the evolution be tortuous, so that we lose our way in its bypaths and mazes; or, on the other hand, that the end be reached too simply and quickly; in the one case, we lose heart for the journey because of the obstacles; in the other, we lose interest and are bored for want of incidents. Lipps: Aesthetik, Bd.

Tomaschek, Schiller in seinem Verhaeltnisse zur Wissenschaft; von der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien gekroente Preisschrift, Wien, 1862. Janssen, Schiller als Historiker, 2nd edition, Freiburg, 1879. Philosophical Writings. Harnack, Die klassische Aesthetik der Deutschen, Wuerdigung der kunsttheoretischen Arbeiten Schillers, Goethes und ihrer Freunde, Leipzig, 1892.

The criticism of the generations is summed up in the mild remark of Fechner, in his "Vorschule der Aesthetik," to the effect that the philosophical path leaves one in conceptions that, by reason of their generality, do not well fit the particular cases.

Among the numerous works on the history of philosophy, besides the masterpieces of Zeller, J.E. Erdmann, and Kuno Fischer, the following are especially worthy of attention: Cl. Waitz, Aristotelis Organon, 1844-46; J. Walter in Königsberg, Die Lehre von der praktischen Vernunft in der griechischen Philosophie, 1874, Geschichte der Aesthetik im Alterthum, 1892; Tob.

Lipps: Der Streit ber die Tragodie, and Aesthetik, Bd. It is a familiar and generally recognized experience, as Lipps has observed, that any threat or harm done to a value evokes in us a heightened appreciation of its worth.