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Thither they pursued their way, entering at last the great gate in the outer walls they proceeded through the city, Bright-Wits constantly pausing to exclaim at the size and magnificence of the buildings; which surpassed those of his father's capital as gold surpasses copper. Arriving before the palace, Bright-Wits dismounted, and advanced, accompanied only by Ablano.

"It suits my purpose," Ablano had said, "that we test their villainy to the bottom." Remembering this warning, Bright-Wits replied with a smile, "Let the sons of Zoltan cease from quarrelling. I will divide the land between them according to the will of their father." "Do this," said Doola, with a bow and smirk, "and I could die from admiration of your cleverness."

With an angry gesture, Bright-Wits was about to consign Doola and his game to oblivion; but at a nod from Ablano he signed for a slave to take the board from Doola. The reader may use six of the counters from the other game in working out this one of Bright-Wits' problems.

That when the Great Yama shall gather me to His bosom you will be prepared to assume the government of this kingdom and to conduct its affairs wisely and well. And, lest your inexperience should lead you from the paths of wisdom, I have arranged that you be accompanied on your journey by Ablano, the Holy Brahman, who has lately come to our realm.

Yet when he tried to discover the mystery in their actions Azalia would but laugh at him; while Ablano gently chided his impatience, saying unto him, "All things are as Allah hath ordered. It is but for us to await his meaning without impatience. Yet be thou not cast down, for the end draweth nigh." Put off, but far from satisfied, Bright-Wits must needs be content.

Short as had been the residence of Ablano in Parrabang, the fame of his wisdom and virtue had spread afar, and he had already a kingdom in the hearts of all the people. At the first alarm, Bright-Wits instantly suspected treachery on the part of the two conspirators. But investigation proved that they were no less mystified by the strange disappearance than he himself.

When he chided her for this seeming heartlessness, she but smiled at him; nor would tell him what she knew. So matters stood; even the successful solution of Doola's puzzle, which the prince had easily accomplished, passed almost unnoticed. Imagine, then, the general surprise when, on the seventh day, Ablano returned as mysteriously as he had vanished.

Now although Bright-Wits made no secret of his contempt for Garrofat and Doola, his love for the Princess Azalia daily increased. In a shaded part of the palace grounds there stood a pretty little pavilion, and here, in company with Ablano, Bright-Wits and Azalia spent many happy hours.

The lines represent the roads, and the eight spots the castles of the emirs. This matter must be adjusted at once, and as you are a suitor for the hand of Azalia I expect you to prove your claim to wisdom by solving the puzzle of the chart." When Garrofat had concluded, Bright-Wits, in obedience to the counsel of Ablano, expressed his willingness to attempt the solution of this new riddle.

After placing the shields on the first spindle the first move will be shield No. 1 to a vacant spindle. Then shield No. 2 to another vacant spindle. Then shield No. 1 on top of shield No. 2, and the rest as he may. Now followed another week of happiness spent with the princess and Ablano.