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Advancing through the territory of the Scordisci into the Tauriscan country, they approached in 641 the passes of the Carnian Alps, to protect which the consul Gnaeus Papirius Carbo took up a position on the heights not far from Aquileia.

A number of rats were introduced under this cover, and hot coals were heaped upon the vessel, till the rats, rendered furious by the heat, gnawed into the very bowels of the victim, in their agony to escape. The rats were sent by the Governor himself. Vide Letter of the Commissioners to Sonoy, apud Bor, viii. 640, 641. The whole letter is a wonderful monument of barbarity.

573 have been admitted to fellowship since we came to Bristol. 641 would be, therefore, the total number of those in fellowship with us, had there been no changes. But 40 have fallen asleep; 33 are under church discipline 55 saints have left Bristol; 38 have left us, but are still in Bristol; 166 are therefore to be deducted from 641, so that there are only 475 at present in fellowship with us.

It is hardly proper to call either Panay with a population of 743,646, Cebu with 592,247, Negros with 460,776, Leyte with 357,641, Bohol with 243,148 or even Samar with only 222,690, a mere Arizona, and New Mexico with 195,310 is also a bit behind. Luzón really has an area of 40,969 square miles and a population of 3,798,507.

In the November MISSIONARY of last year, the financial statement bore the simple and joyous heading "FREE." This year we are compelled to prefix two qualifying words. Our books closed September 30, with a balance of $5,641.21 on the wrong side. While we regret that there should be any debt, we rejoice that it is no larger.

The Secretary of the Treasury reports that the receipts of the Government from all sources during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1898, including $64,751,223 received from sale of Pacific railroads, amounted to $405,321,335, and its expenditures to $443,168,582. There was collected from customs $149,575,062 and from internal revenue $170,900,641.

They have built a magnificent cathedral, which is the glory and pride of Antananarivo. They have also 300 churches and 400 or more Catholic stations scattered over the island, where 18,000 children are taught and trained by a large and elevated staff of Christian brothers and sisters of St. Joseph, and 641 native teachers.

Since the adjournment, further agreements have been entered into with Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, and Rumania. These 11 nations, which have already made settlements, represent $6,419,528,641 of the original principal of the loans.

United States, 116 U. S. 616 at page 641 where in refusing effect to a statute requiring the production of his books and papers by a defendant in proceedings for forfeiture, the court said: "Though the proceeding in question is devested of the aggravating effects of actual search and seizure, yet it contains their substance and essence, and effects their substantial purpose.

641. Voyage