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This healthy increase of population contrasts favorably with the condition in France. England had in 1883 a surplus of births over deaths of 367,000 in a population less than 27,000,000. In France the surplus of births in 1881 was but 108,229, in 1884 but 79,000, and in 1885, 85,464.

It has 464 aerial roots, as the branches which run down to the ground are called, and the entire tree is 938 feet in circumference. It is large enough to shelter an entire village under its foliage. Several other remarkable trees are to be found in that garden.

Disposing of these in turn, and investing the proceeds in Russian iron worth $1,210,000 in Russia, but $1,331,000 in Venezuela, ex duty and plus transportation, he shipped the iron to Venezuela, where he realized on it, investing the proceeds this time in South American products worth in Spain $1,464,100.

A trip to Devonshire, from Aug. 16 to Sept. 26; six weeks. Ante, i. 377. Oxford. December. 'I am going for a few days or weeks to Oxford. Letter of Dec. 21, 1762. Croker's Boswell, p. 129. Harwich. August, a few days. Ante, i. 464. Oxford. October, length of visit not mentioned. A letter dated Oxford, Oct. 27 . Croker's Boswell, p. 161. Langton in Lincolnshire, part of January and February.

In 1904 matches to the value of 9,763,860 yen, or, roughly, one million sterling, were exported, and, strange to relate, European clothing to the value of 287,464 yen.

According to the statement of the enemy, who had every reason not to exaggerate the size of his own force, 4,000 Spaniards were engaged in this action. The Rough Riders numbered 534, and General Young's force numbered 464. The American troops accordingly attacked a force over four times their own number intrenched behind rifle-pits and bushes in a mountain pass.

"The Care of Epileptics," William P. Letchworth in Proceedings of Twenty-third National Conference of Charities, pp. 199 sq. "Industrial Education of Epileptics," Dr. William P. Spratling in Proceedings of Twenty-fourth National Conference of Charities, pp. 69 sq. "Destitute Convalescents: After Care of the Insane," Dr. Richard Dewey in the same, pp. 76 sq. See also discussion on pp. 464 sq.

So we received and so we understood it, until, to our great surprise and mortification, we found it otherwise in a literal translation." Sparks, Writings of Washington, II. 464, 465. Braddock

The Prince of Condé tried to overthrow them, and, in hopes of strengthening herself, in 1614 Mary summoned together the States-General. There came 464 members, 132 for the nobles, 140 for the clergy, and 192 for the third estate, i.e. the burghers, and these, being mostly lawyers and magistrates from the provinces, were resolved to make their voices heard. Taxation was growing worse and worse.

The exclusive right of pelagic sealing was denied to the United States, and damages amounting to $464,000 were awarded to the Canadian fishermen. The year 1896 is memorable, not only for the general election which brought Sir Wilfrid Laurier into power, and for the beginning of an uplift in trade which lasted until October, 1907, but also for the discovery of gold in the Yukon and in Alaska.