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Twenty-three horses and riders were at one moment all sprawling on the ground, one horse gored by a bull, was killed on the spot, two more were disabled by the fall. One rider broke his shoulder blade, another burst his gun, and lost three fingers by the accident, another was struck on the knee by an exhausted bull. In the evening no less than 1,375 tongues were brought into camp.

Gervase of Canterbury, i. 109. But see Ralph de Diceto, i. 252, n. 2, and Boehmer, Kirche und Staat, 375. Gesta Stephani, 47. The victory at Lincoln changed the situation of affairs at a blow.

Artaxerxes, anxious to recover this portion of his ancestral dominions, applied in B.C. 375 to Athens for the services of her great general, Iphicrates.

FROM the death of Hippocrates about the year 375 B.C. till the founding of the Alexandrian School, the physicians were engrossed largely in speculative views, and not much real progress was made, except in the matter of elaborating the humoral pathology.

He estimates the cost of a lock canal at $375,000,000; of a sea-level canal, $563,000,000. This year a mud scow passes through the canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1914 January 7, the steam crane boat Alexander la Valley, 1200 tons, makes the passage the first vessel by steam.

History thus divides itself into three parts: Part II. Mediaeval History, from A.D. 375 to the Fall of Constantinople . PART III. Modern History, from 1453 until the present. Works on General History. Gesch. Copious works on Universal History, in German, by Weber, Schlosser, Becker, Leo. S. Willard, Synopsis of History.

It was probably scarcely pronounced at all by the less educated Romans, since it is often wholly omitted in inscriptions, and has been lost in modern Italian. Even Lucretius sometimes disregards it in his scanning. In the ordinary literary Latin a large number of words has lost an original s; e.g. all the nouns of the -a declension. A. 375, a; G. 722; H. 608, 1, n. 3.

So home late at my letters, and so to bed, being mightily troubled at the newes of the plague's being encreased, and was much the saddest news that the plague hath brought me from the beginning of it; because of the lateness of the year, and the fear, we may with reason have, of its continuing with us the next summer. The total being now 375, and the plague 158. 17th.

Little difficulty has been experienced in discovering the perpetrator where the blacks have been concerned, even in the greater offences, and hence the ends of justice would have been greatly facilitated by aboriginal evidence. The following very forcible and just remarks are from Captain Grey's work, vol. ii. pages 375 to 378:

Bonaventura Vulcanus, who took occasion from Grotius's publishing this book, to write his elogium in verse, says in the conclusion, that Apollo had opened to him his sanctuary, and that he was himself an Apollo. Grotius's modesty would not permit him to leave us ignorant that he had been assisted by his Father in this work. Scal. 375. Ep. Gr. 2. Ep. Lips. ad Belgas, Cent. 3. p. 83. Ep. 130. Fab.