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When the relative resistance is 5, the ratio of pitch to diameter should be 1.069, and fraction of pitch 0.428; relative resistance 4.5, pitch 1.135, fraction 0.402; relative resistance 4, pitch 1.205, fraction 0.378; relative resistance 3.5, pitch 1.279, fraction 0.355; relative resistance 3, pitch 1.357, fraction 0.334; relative resistance 2.5, pitch 1.450, fraction 0.313; relative resistance 2, pitch 1.560, fraction 0.294; relative resistance 1.5, pitch 1.682, fraction 0.275.

For the year 1892 the total estimated receipts are $373,000,000 and the estimated expenditures $357,852,209.42, leaving an estimated surplus of $15,247,790.58, which, with a cash balance of $52,000,000 at the beginning of the year, will give $67,247,790.58 as the sum available for the redemption of outstanding bonds or other uses.

The estimated expenditures during the remaining three quarters to June 30, 1859, are $52,357,698.48, making an aggregate of $74,065,896.99, being an excess of expenditure beyond the estimated receipts into the Treasury from ordinary sources during the fiscal year to the 30th of June, 1859, of $3,936,701.43.

The communities, like those of Pachomius, were on opposite banks of a river in this case, the Iris; and Macrina's nunnery is supposed to have been in the village of Annesi, near Neo-Caesarea, and founded 357 A.D. In her nunnery lived her mother and her younger brother Peter, who afterwards became a priest.

'ARTICLE 357:: 'In case the abductor shall have married the girl by him abducted, he can only be prosecuted at the insistence of such persons as, according to the Civil Code, may have the right to demand that the marriage shall be declared null; nor can he be condemned until after the nullity of the marriage shall have been pronounced. I do not know whether it is a part of your plans to marry Mademoiselle Alexandre!

357,345 voters of the third class paying 16,165,501 marks of the total tax. Roughly the voters in the first class each paid $7,500; those in the second class $218; those in the third class $11. The 931 voters elected one-third, 32,131 voters elected one-third, and 357,345 elected one-third of the town councillors.

His sights clearly defined by the lights in front of him, the paratimer centered them on the base of the creature's spine, just above its secondary shoulders, and carefully squeezed the trigger. The big .357 Magnum bucked in his hand and belched flame and sound if only these Fourth Level weapons weren't so confoundedly boisterous! and the nighthound screamed and fell.

In 1865 he took his seat for his fifth term of service in Congress and was re-elected to the Fortieth Congress 25, 67, 237, 285, 319, 357, 434, 448, 474, 475, 505, 520, 526, 537. JAMES G. BLAINE was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, in 1830.

The reader will remember the fate of Weber's Freischütz, outrageously hissed when first produced at Paris in its original form. Nine days later it was reproduced, having been taken to pieces and put together again by M. Castil-Blaze, and thus as Robin des Bois it ran for 357 nights.

One Arsaces is considered to be the founder of the dynasty of the Parthian kings, which dynasty the Greeks and Romans call that of the Arsacidæ. This Arsaces is reckoned the ninth in the series, and was the son and successor of Arsaces the Eighth. In the year B.C. 357 he and Iphicrates were sent with a fleet to reduce to obedience the Athenian subject states and especially the island of Samos.