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318 I feel thy gaze upon my heart this moment like the sunny silence of the morning upon the lonely field whose harvest is over. 319 I long for the Island of Songs across this heaving Sea of Shouts. 320 The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark. 321 I have scaled the peak and found no shelter in fame's bleak and barren height.

III, p. 319, Father Tailban who edited Perrot says he has not been any more successful than his predecessors and the game of straws remains to him an unsolved enigma. Perrot has indeed succeeded in making his account hopelessly involved.

* Rush. vol. vi. p. 293. Rush. vol. vi. p. 309. * Rush. vol. vii. p. 319. What the parliament was most intent upon, was not their treaty with the king, to whom they paid little regard, but that with the Scots. Two important points remained to be settled with that nation: their delivery of the king, and the estimation of their arrears.

For every 319 people who sought homes in Illinois during that period, only 87 had settled in Mississippi. The two States had been admitted almost simultaneously and had equal attractions. Why should the one gain more population and have more political strength than the other?

Lord Southesk was, for some years, not ill pleased to have this believed. It looked like a peculiar strain of revenge, with which he seemed much delighted. But I know he has, to some of his friends, denied the whole of the story very solemnly." history of His Own Times, vol. i., p. 319.

*319 Q. Do those who make use of spells and charms, or who believe in dreams, in mediums, spiritists, fortune tellers, and the like, sin against the First Commandment?

He referred to the Land Commission report with regard to ejectments, and showed from it, that in the year 1843 there were issued from the Civil Bill Courts 5,244 ejectments, comprising 14,816 defendants, and from the Superior Courts 1,784 ejectments, comprising 16,503 defendants, making a total of 7,028 ejectments, and 31,319 defendants; or within the period of five years 1839 to 1843 comprised in the return, upwards of 150,000 persons had been subjected to ejectment process in Ireland.

Oliver, Daniel, in Dartmouth College, 132. Optimism: in philosophy, 136; "innocent luxuriance," 211; wanted by the young, 373. Oriental: genius, 120; spirit in Emerson, 179. Orpheus, allusion, 319. Paine, R.T., JR., quoted, 31. Palfrey, John Gorham: literary rank, 34; professorship, 52. Pan, the deity, 140. Pantheism: in Wordsworth and Nature, 103; dreaded, 141; Emerson's, 410, 411.

The amount appropriated during the fiscal year 1884 was $1,319,634.62 and the amount drawn from the Treasury during the fiscal year was $8,228,703.54, leaving a balance of $3,112,580.63 in the Treasury subject to requisition July 1, 1884.

THOMPSON'S Nat. Hist. Ireland, vol. i. p. 319. III. SCANSORES. Parroquets. Of the Psittacidæ the only examples are the parroquets, of which the most renowned is the Palæornis Alexandri, which has the historic distinction of bearing the name of the great conqueror of India, having been the first of its race introduced to the knowledge of Europe on the return of his expedition.