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The Scansores, or Climbers, form the last section of the perching birds. This is an interesting group, since it includes all the varieties of the parrot, cockatoo, and macaw species; the woodpeckers, the toucans, and the cuckoos. The gaudy colours which they display, and their well-known habits and powers, always ensure them a large circle of spectators.

Finally, the scansores resemble the rasores in their superior intelligence and docility, and in their having strong limbs and a bill entire at the tip. This parity of qualities becomes clearer when placed in a tabular form: Orders of Birds. Characters. Tribes of Incessores. Incessores Most perfect of their circle; Conirostres. notch of bill small Raptores Notch of bill like a tooth Dentirostres.

Natatores Slightly developed feet; Fissirostres. strong flight Grallatores Small mouths; long soft bills Tenuirostres. Rasores Strong feet, short wings; Scansores. docile and domestic Some comprehensive terms are much wanted to describe these five characters, so curiously repeated throughout the whole of the animal, and probably also the vegetable kingdom. Meanwhile, Mr.

THOMPSON'S Nat. Hist. Ireland, vol. i. p. 319. III. SCANSORES. Parroquets. Of the Psittacidæ the only examples are the parroquets, of which the most renowned is the Palæornis Alexandri, which has the historic distinction of bearing the name of the great conqueror of India, having been the first of its race introduced to the knowledge of Europe on the return of his expedition.

The perching birds are subdivided into five families: the Wide-gaping; the Slender-Beaked; the Toothed-Beaked; the Cone-Beaked; and the Climbers, or Scansores. The family of wide-gaping birds, is that ranged first in order, occupying cases 36 to 42. The visitor will first remark the goatsuckers with their wide bills and large eyes, adapted to catch the insects on which they feed.