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Class Aves. Order Incessores. Tribe Conirostres. Family Corvidae. Sub-family Corvinae. Genus Corvus. Sub-genus, or species Pica. This brings us down to species, the subdivision where intermarriage or breeding is usually considered as natural to animals, and where a resemblance of offspring to parents is generally persevered in.

So, also, if we take the typical group of the birds, the incessores or perchers, and look in it for its typical group, the conirostres, and seek there again for the typical family of that group, the corvidae, we may expect to find a very marked superiority in organization and character. Such is really the case. "The crow," says Mr.

Lastly, the aquatic birds contribute their portion, by giving this terrestrial bird the power of feeding not only on fish, which are their peculiar food, but actually of occasionally catching it. In this wonderful manner do we find the crow partially invested with the united properties of all other birds, while in its own order, that of the incessores or perchers, it stands the pre-eminent type.

Finally, the scansores resemble the rasores in their superior intelligence and docility, and in their having strong limbs and a bill entire at the tip. This parity of qualities becomes clearer when placed in a tabular form: Orders of Birds. Characters. Tribes of Incessores. Incessores Most perfect of their circle; Conirostres. notch of bill small Raptores Notch of bill like a tooth Dentirostres.