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At first Constantine, like his father, in the spirit of the Neo-Platonic syncretism of dying heathendom, reverenced all the gods as mysterious powers; especially Apollo, the god of the sun, to whom in the year 308 he presented munificent gifts.

Henry Adams, II, 113. Ibid., 130. Sumner's Jackson, 138. Twenty Years of Congress, II, 185. July 14, 1900. Bryce, Studies in History and Jurisprudence, 308. American Commonwealth, I, 80.

After this there is no account of Idumea till some years subsequent to the death of Alexander the Great: at this period two expeditions were sent into it against its capital, Petra, by Antigonus, both of which were unsuccessful. These expeditions were undertaken about the years 308 and 309 before Christ.

This treatise was published to counteract the pernicious errors in a very popular volume called 'The Design of Christianity, by Edward Fowler, minister of God's Word at Northill, in Bedfordshire. Printed by the authority of the Bishop of London, April 17th, 1671'; an octavo volume of 308 pages. The whole object proposed by Mr.

Prior to every military conscription, the victims marked for prey, the young men and boys of the burgher class, very generally took to flight, hiding in distant cities, outside the zone of their Kahals, or in forests and ravines. A popular song in Yiddish refers to these conditions in the following words; I, p. 308, n. 2.

The Platform, its Origin and Progress, by Henry Jephson , gives a very interesting historical account of the process. 57 George III. cap. 19, and 60 George III. cap. 6. See Jephson's Platform, pp. 167-70. See Jephson's Platform, i. 348, 455, 517. See Ibid. ii. 129-40 for some interesting passages as to this. Official Correspondence , 308.

In his reply, Judge Parker reiterated the charge, but gave no concrete instances of money having been obtained from corporations. Out of a total vote of 13,544,705, Roosevelt received 7,630,893 votes, or 2,524,244 more than his leading competitor. His majority was 1,717,081. Debs received 397,308 votes; Swallow, 258,039; Watson, 114,306; Corregan, 32,516.

The tusks are applied to the same uses as ivory, especially for the handles of krises, and being whiter are more prized. It has much general resemblance to the manatee or lamantin of the West Indies, and has been confounded with it; but the distinction between them has been ascertained by M. Cuvier, Annales du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle 22 cahier page 308.* Voyage to New Guinea page 272.

There were sections of the country where the population doubled, by natural increase, once in 23 years. Indeed, the entire population of the United States was increasing at a phenomenal rate. The census of 1800 showed 5,308,483 persons in the country. Twenty years later the population was 9,638,453 an increase of 81 per cent.

Taking the number of houses in this small space, above described, the total will be 308 houses, which reckoned at the low estimate of eight persons for each house, will give 2464 inhabitants; this, however, is far below the proper estimate, as there are villages scattered between the rivers, and numbers of detached houses; in all, therefore, safely computed at 5000 persons.