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History does not inform us when the gospel was first introduced in this city; but at a very early date a large congregation existed there, with the venerable Polycarp as its pastor. He suffered death by martyrdom under the reign of Marcus Aurelius about A.D. 167.

This medal was for Ochakov,166 this for Izmailov,167 this for the battle at Novi,168 this for Preisizh-Ilov;169 that for Korsakov’s famous retreat from Zurich.170 And tell them that he received also a sword for valour, and likewise three expressions of approval from the field-marshal, two compliments from the Emperor, and four honourable mentions, all in writing.”

* D'Ewes, p. 167. D'Ewes, p. 158. * D'Ewes, p. 166. D'Ewes, p. 166. v D'Ewes, p. 167.

The result of the plébiscite was decisive enough, 72,453 votes being cast in favour of the latest constitution, and 92,423 against it. Nothing daunted by this rebuff, and, adopting a device which the First Consul had invented for the benefit of Dutch liberty, the Bernese leaders declared that the 167,172 adult voters who had not voted at all must reckon as approving the new order of things.

Asquith described his Bill as one to enfranchise "male persons only," and said in regard to women that he could not conceive that the House would "so far stultify itself as to reverse the considered judgment it had already arrived at" earlier in the session. It was a "considered judgment" to defeat the Bill by 14 votes in 1912 but not a "considered judgment" to have it carried by 167 in 1911!

BOSWELL. For 'a Great Personage' see ante, i. 219; and for the conversation, ii. 33. See ante, ii. 73, 228, 248; iii. 4 and June 15, 1784. See ante, i. 167, note 1. Booth acted Cato, and Wilks Juba when Addison's Cato was brought out.

Epicurus, agreement with, 301. Episcopacy: in Boston, 28, 34, 52; church in Newton, 68; at Hanover, 132; quotation from liturgy, 354; burial service, 356. Esquimau, allusion, 167. Establishment, party of the, 147. Eternal, relations to the, 297.

Observe, for example, the casing of a Gothic church at Rimini by Alberti with a series of Roman arches; or the façade of S. Andrea at Mantua, where the vast and lofty central arch leads, not into the nave itself, but into a shallow vestibule. See Burckhardt, Cicerone, vol. i. p. 167. See De Stendhal, Histoire de la Peinture en Italie, p. 122. For a notice of his life, see Vol.

BEVERIDGE Reef, 20 deg S., 167 deg W., is described in the "Naut. Mag." SAVAGE Island, 19 deg S., 170 deg W., has been described by Cook and Forster. The Rev. J. Williams informs me that the reef fringing its shores, resembles that round Mangaia; coloured red. PYLSTAART Island.

More fantastic theories about the origin and the destiny of man are to be found in India than in any other country, and those who have faith in them speak 167 different languages, as returned by the census.