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There was considerable comfort for her in the thought that he made a distinct point of not being alone with her. One day she said to him: "I have my car outside, Braden. Shall I run you over to St. Luke's?" It was a test. She knew that he was going to the hospital, and intended to take the elevated down to 110th Street. His smile puzzled her. "No, thank you."

Since he knew where I was going, he didn't have to stick too close, so I didn't spot him in the crowd. He might even have gone on up to 116th Street so that I wouldn't see him get off at 110th." "Sounds reasonable," Cowder agreed. "We know who the kids are. The uniformed squads are rounding up the whole bunch for questioning.

"But he was to be a Prophet, like Moses," said David; "and he was to be born in Bethlehem in the land of Judah." "Well, he was," said Matilda. "Then how should he be all that?" And the boy's frame shook, as if a nervous shudder had taken him. "Don't you remember the 110th Psalm?" said Matilda after a little more study.

All the same, our chances were automatically pretty limited. Yet everyone still felt confident of success, and not a sailor on board would have bet against the narwhale appearing, and soon. On July 20 we cut the Tropic of Capricorn at longitude 105 degrees, and by the 27th of the same month, we had cleared the equator on the 110th meridian.

We flashed by the tower in a moment, answering the director's signal perfunctorily. Southward now, on the 110th East Meridian, without deviating from the straight course we had held. It was truly a beautiful sight, this Polar ocean. Masses of ice, glittering in the morning sunlight.

"He has turned into the Parkway at 110th Street," said McCulloch, and Curtis awoke with a start to a sense of his surroundings. "I suppose he's making for St. Nicholas Avenue," went on the roundsman. "Why?" demanded Curtis, whose recollections of map-study would have reminded him, in other conditions, that the avenue named by McCulloch is one of the few which slant across the city's rectangles.

"Can you meet me at the 110th Street subway station in half an hour?" he asked. "I'll be waiting in my car. Arrange it, if you can without arousing your family's suspicion, to be away all night." "I will be there," she answered. As she turned away from the telephone with sudden resolve she thrust the sealed packet, still unopened, into the bosom of her gown.

Then he remembered the neighborhood and turned over to look at the mass of buildings erected. It was very much improved. The great open spaces were filling up. Coming back, he kept to the Park until 110th Street, and then turned into Seventh Avenue again, reaching the pretty river by one o'clock.

"A fanatic she certainly is. A lunatic also most probably. Yet I cannot get her out of my head. I would go to Canada to Quebec if it was not so abominably cold. Vane is there with the 110th. But the climate is too severe. I must move southward, not northward southward, through California, and thence to the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and Australia. That will be a pleasant winter voyage.

It was then the bad season in Australia, the July of that zone corresponding to our January in Europe, but the sea was beautiful and easily scanned round a vast circumference. The 20th of July, the tropic of Capricorn was cut by 105d of longitude, and the 27th of the same month we crossed the Equator on the 110th meridian.