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The first and last real land battle before Santiago occurred on July 1-2, with 13,500 troops on the American side against an available Spanish force somewhat less in number, but holding strongly fortified and entrenched positions around the town. The advance and charges uphill necessary to capture El Caney and the steep heights of San Juan called for desperate courage.

E. Stone shelf above wood pile. F. F. Opening through thick wall separating chambers, where Coquenil built a barricade of logs. Dotted lines 1-2, indicate curve of archway. S. S. Section of wood pile torn down by Alice to make barricade. Around the four walls were logs piled evenly to the height of nearly six feet, and at the archway the pile ran straight through into the smaller room.

Compare Saul and David at the time of the anointing of each as to their chances of success. David's sojourn in Philistia with the experience of embarrassment and advantage, I Sam. Chs. 27-28. Ch.31. The Reign of David. 2 Sam.; 1 Chron. Chs. 11-29; 1 K 1:1-2:11. His Reign over Judah. The reign of David is divided into two parts.

Pins 1-2 and 3-4 are electrically connected together in other pairs, and then each of these pairs is connected with one of the main lines that run respectively to the middle of two groups of batteries at the transmitting end.

Farewell Count me not your "enemy because I have told you the truth," but believe me in unfeigned affection, Your sympathizing Friend, Shrewsbury, N.J., 1836. Price 6 1-4 cents single, 62 1-2 cents per dozen, $4 per hundred. No. 3. PETERBORO', October 28, 1836. Rev.

For instance, a chum of mine, and in the same squad with me, was Charles L. Soule, of the Third Michigan Infantry. His name appeared on the rolls: "Chas. L. Soule, priv. Co. E, 8d Mich. Inf., 1-2." That is, he belonged to the Second Squad of the First Detachment. Where Wirz got his, preposterous idea of organization from has always been a mystery to me.

Paradise Lost, books 1-2, L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, Lycidas, and selected Sonnets, all in Standard English Classics; same poems, more or less complete, in various other series; Areopagitica and Treatise on Education, selections, in Manly's English Prose, or Areopagitica in Arber's English Reprints, Clarendon Press Series, Morley's Universal Library, etc. Minor Poets. Bunyan.

For instance, a chum of mine, and in the same squad with me, was Charles L. Soule, of the Third Michigan Infantry. His name appeared on the rolls: "Chas. L. Soule, priv. Co. E, 8d Mich. Inf., 1-2." That is, he belonged to the Second Squad of the First Detachment. Where Wirz got his, preposterous idea of organization from has always been a mystery to me.

I descended the mangrove and proceeded to the border of the Key looked across the water before me, where lay another Key, which I judged 2 1-2 or 3 miles distant. Here I stripped myself to my shirt, the sleeves of which I tore off, and with my trowsers, threw them into the sea.

LOCKE & GREEN, No. 257 1-2 State Street." "Fifteen dollars a week!" repeated Walter hopefully. "That will support me very comfortably. If I get it I will change my boarding- place, for I don't like Mrs. Canfield's table. I shall feel justified in paying a little more than I do now." The only thing that troubled him was as to the deposit.