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Whether such illusion can in any case be perfect, is not the question. The nearest approach to it, we are told, is, when the actor appears wholly unconscious of the presence of spectators. In tragedy in all which is to affect the feelings this undivided attention to his stage business, seems indispensable.

The King was the State. Louis knew his position. Not only was his government a strong one, but the country which he governed was strong: strong in its geographical situation, in the compactness of its territory, in the number and martial spirit of its inhabitants, and in their complete and undivided nationality.

We say to those who would take back their several contributions to that undivided unity which we call the Nation; the bronze is cast; the statue is on its pedestal; you cannot reclaim the brass you flung into the crucible!

The Latin world by its mental form is doomed to petrify its abstractions, and to remain forever outside the inmost sanctuary of life, that central hearth where ideas are still undivided, without shape or determination. The Latin mind makes everything objective, because it remains outside things, and outside itself.

On the platform of the minute station two porters in private uniform received them. "I generally walk up if I'm not in a hurry," said Peter Masters abruptly. He had not spoken since they left Birmingham, where a packet of letters had been brought him, to which he gave his undivided attention.

All along the road we saw nothing but mean shanties, generally of logs, with now and then a decent one-story frame, and the people looked miserably poor. As we picked our way along up the Laurel, obliged for the most part to ride single-file, or as the Professor expressed it, "Let me confess that we two must be twain, Although our undivided loves are one,"

Give us a little time, and we'll sleep as sound out of doors as ever your father or mine did." "But not on sand," Billy groaned. "We won't try. That's one thing, for good and all, we've learned the very first time. And now hush up and go to sleep." Their fears had vanished, but the sand, receiving now their undivided attention, multiplied its unyieldingness.

A mind distracted with calculations of future political contingencies was not to be relied on in the conduct of movements which above all others demand the constant presence, the undivided energy, of all the faculties, and the concentration of every personal interest on the one object of immediate success.

Even the success of Tannhauser in Dresden, which became more obvious every day, did not attract the smallest notice anywhere else. Berlin was the only place which had any influence in the theatrical world of Germany, and I ought long before to have given my undivided attention to that city.

The world, which before had been distasteful, now grew insufferable; I longed for some seclusion, some utter solitude, some quiet and unpenetrated nook, that I might give my undivided mind to the knowledge of these things, and build the tower of divine reasonings by which I might ascend to heaven.