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A woman may cherish the truest, kindliest friendship for a man whom it would be impossible for her to love; nay, in whom she would totally lose her interest if he once presented himself in the aspect of a lover; and we believe a certain class of men are capable of experiencing the same pure and kin-like devotion for certain women.

We have each to do our duty in that sphere of life in which we have been placed. Duty alone is true; there is no true action but in its accomplishment. Duty is the end and aim of the highest life; the truest pleasure of all is that derived from the consciousness of its fulfilment.

Then she told about Rico and the lake that he was always thinking of, and how she was the cause of his running away, and full of fear that it had cost him his life. But she said that she felt perfectly at ease after she had cast her burden on the Lord; and she advised Mrs. Menotti to do likewise, and assured her that she would derive the truest comfort from so doing. After this conversation Mrs.

It is now engaged in discovering the unseen causes which underlie the objective effects we notice in the physical world. Our own spirit-nature is our truest guide to the discernment of the spirit universal.

"So with Love: for Love and Art united Are twin mysteries: different yet the same; Poor indeed would be the love of any Who could find its full and perfect name. "Love may strive; but vain is its endeavour All its boundless riches to unfold; Still its tenderest, truest secret lingers Ever in its deepest depths untold. "Things of Time have voices: speak and perish.

He refused to assassinate Francis Alencon at the bidding of Henry III., but he attempted to procure the murder of the truest of his own friends, one of the noblest characters of the age whose breast showed twelve scars received in his services Agrippa D'Aubigne, because the honest soldier had refused to become his pimp a service the King had implored upon his knees.

"Let us consider, beloved, how the Lord continually proves to us that there shall be a future resurrection, of which He has rendered the Lord Jesus the first fruits by raising Him from the dead." When we look to Clement's theology, we find it to have been what would now be called, in the truest and best sense of the word, "Evangelical," thus:

She had not to yield her to another of the same sex, and in that always the truest sting of jealousy lies. "So far as that goes, it is no more than we had to expect, Eben," she said. "You know that. I turned away from my parents for you." "I know it, Abigail, but I thought, maybe, it wouldn't come yet a while. I've done all I could.

We too are inspired by that love of poetry which the education of noble States has implanted in us, and therefore we would have her appear at her best and truest; but so long as she is unable to make good her defence, this argument of ours shall be a charm to us, which we will repeat to ourselves while we listen to her strains; that we may not fall away into the childish love of her which captivates the many.

Instantly there flashed into Houston's mind the memory of Lyle's warning, and also of Miss Gladden's declaration that she had seen and talked with Jack, but how could his true position be known to either of them? "I have but two friends here, at present," was his reply, "and they are women." "True women are the truest friends," said Jack tersely.