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But one tires of hotel life. Thank goodness, our house is ready at last. We moved in a week ago." "Oh!" says Vee. "Then you're housekeeping?" Doris nods. "It's quite thrilling," says she. "At ten-thirty every morning I have the butler bring me Cook's list. Then I 'phone for the things myself. That is, I've just begun. Let me see, didn't I put in to-day's order in my yes, here it is."

In time the Yuan dynasty of Mongols passed away their strength sapped by confinement to walled cities because their power was only on the tented field. Ser Marco Polo, that audacious traveller, never tires of telling of the magnificence of the Mongol Khans and their resplendent courts.

You shall have as many tires as there are hours in the day as many handmaidens as there are days in the week as many menials as there are weeks in the year and you shall ride a hunting and hawking with a lord, instead of waiting upon an old ship-chandler, who could do nothing but hawk and spit" "Ay, but will you make me your lady?" said Dame Nelly.

The President is commander-in-chief of the army and navy, and the marines, too, for that matter." "But he hasn't a uniform," said Sam sorrowfully. "And as for all this kissing, I'm sick of it. It tires me to death, and I don't know what Marian will think of it. I've written to explain that I can't help it, but she will see the reports first in the papers and she may not like it at all."

It was dark, so we could not see the tires; but just before starting I gave each a sharp blow with a wrench to see if it was hard, a sharp blow, or even a kick, tells the story much better than feeling of the tires. One rear tire was entirely deflated. A railroad spike four and three-quarters inches long, and otherwise well proportioned, had penetrated full length.

He shot carelessly, but with absolute confidence, and more than half the time he did not use his second barrel. "Old Virginia never tires," whispered Stevenson. "He'll come back to you before long, never fear." But Orme made it twenty straight before he came back. Then he caught a strong right-quarterer, which escaped altogether, apparently very lightly hit.

"Oh, in that case " "You may come inside; it tires me to be on my feet for so long. To my sorrow I grow stout." "It is an affliction," murmured Indiman, sympathetically. We followed her within. The shop was crammed from floor to ceiling with bandboxes arranged in three or four rows, and glazed presses, filled with feminine hats and bonnets, lined the walls.

That Ben Sittka whom an hour ago he had cajoled as a promising child he now admired for the sniffing calmness with which he was demanding, "Want a red or gray tube?" "Really, I don't know. Which is the better?" The girl's voice was curiously clear. Milt passed Claire Boltwood as though he did not see her; stood at the rear of the garage kicking at the tires of a car, his back to her.

"We'll tell dad about what's happened, and see what he says." "Carriage?" repeated an old farmer to whom they next put the question. "Wa'al, now, come t' think of it, I did see one drivin' along here early this morning. It had rubber tires on too, for I recollect remarkin' t' myself that it didn't make much noise.

Word was sent back and forth by telephone every five minutes as to the order of the racers. Midway between Madison and Milwaukee, the lead was held by a machine of Renault brothers, four cylindered, of twenty horsepower, and with Michelin tires. It was closely followed by a Harvard-Watson car and by a Dion-Bouton. Some accidents had already occurred, other machines were hopelessly behind.