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I refer to the old conflict between conservatism and radicalism. If this were merely a difference of temperamental bias, it would not need to detain us. But it is really an opposition between exaggerated truths, in which each is boldly and impressively defined. The truth of conservatism lies, first, in its love of the existing order.

It was not the one he was used to seeing in those vain, "temperamental" pupils of his the downcast vanity that will be up again in a few hours. It was rather the expression of one who has been finally and forever disillusioned. On her way home she stopped to send Keith a telegram: "I must see you at once."

Keen competition is the corrective measure for temperamental instability and with the advent of many new players in French tennis I would not be surprised to see a marked decrease of unexpected defeats of their leading players. Japan A new element has entered the tennis world in the last decade.

It is a question of temperamental antecedent motive in the artist, and nothing more. Realist Romanticist! Enlightenment Delight! That is the true apposition. To make a revelation to tell a fairy-tale! And either of these artists may use what form he likes naturalistic, fantastic, poetic, impressionistic.

So deep was the imprint of this experience that I said for years: "The country is good, but it is not for me...." I loved to read about the country, enjoyed hearing men talk about their little places, but always felt a temperamental exile from their dahlias and gladioli and wistaria. I knew what would happen to me if I went again to the country to live, for I judged by the former adventure.

As I saw her it flashed over me how blind we had been to allow this girl temperamental, exotic, sensitive to surroundings to plunge herself into the responsibilities that most women acquire gradually. Her first real vacation in years too! Elise and I kissed her. "You look a little tired, Ruth," said Elise.

He is, for instance, not as original as Claude Debussy, who has actually said something new. Strauss, a rhetorician with enormous temperamental power, modifies the symphonic form of Liszt, boils down the Wagnerian trilogy into an hour and thirty minutes of seething, white-hot passion, and paints all the moods, human and inhuman, with incomparable virtuosity.

If you think you are nutty now, a baby would make shambles out of your biochemistry and throw you off the deep end if being in love with a man didn't do it. Besides, this one is too temperamental." "He looks angry now, doesn't he? I've never seen an angry baby before." "Huh good observation. I've been thinking the same thing. I had never seen an angry baby until I had this one.

As week after week passed, and the new hand revealed no temperamental proclivities, no "kid-glove" inclinations, seemingly content with washing down decks, lassooing pier bitts with the bight of a hawser at a distance of ten feet, and hauling ash-buckets from the fireroom when the blower was out of order both of which last were made possible by his mighty shoulders the Captain began to take a different sort of interest in him.

Thus tone production, in my case, is made at all times with ease; there is never any strain. You ask if it is not very fatiguing to sing against a large orchestra, as we have to, and with a temperamental conductor, like Marinuzzi, for instance, I do not find it so; there is a pure, clear tone, which by its quality, placement and ease of production, will carry farther than mere power ever can.