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Talked architecture with Queen Anne, and was surprised to learn that she never saw a Queen Anne cottage. I took Peg Woffington down to supper, and altogether had a fine time of it." "But, my dear Surrennes," I put in at this point, "I fail to see what this has to do with your defence in your trial for stealing spoons." "I am coming to that," said 5010, sadly.

Fortunately, extreme measures of this nature were unnecessary, for after a few moments Surrennes calmed down, and seating himself beside me on the cot, drained his water-pitcher to the dregs, and began.

I was presented to the King, and then my troubles began. "'Mr. Surrennes admires our spoons, Ferdinand, said the Queen. "The King smiled, and turning to me observed, 'Sir, they are yours. Er waiter, just do these spoons up and give them to Mr. Surrennes. "Of course," said 5010, "I protested against this; whereupon the King looked displeased.

There's no getting around the fact, sir," Surrennes added, with a significant shake of the head, "that the present leaders of literary thought with critical tendencies are going to have the hardest kind of a time when they cross the river and apply for admission to the Ghost Club.

"My real name," said the unfortunate convict, "as you may already have guessed, is not 5010. That is an alias forced upon me by the State authorities. My name is really Austin Merton Surrennes." "Ahem!" I said. "Then my guide erred this morning when he told me that in reality you were Marmaduke Fitztappington De Wolfe, of Pelhamhurst-by-the- Sea, Warwickshire?" Number 5010 laughed long and loud.

'I have done the Continent of Europe, taken a run through China, haunted the Emperor of Japan, and sailed around the Horn since I left you a minute ago. "He was a truthful boy in spite of his peculiarities, Hawley was," said Surrennes, quietly, "so I had to believe what he said. He abhorred lies." "That was pretty fast travelling, though," said I. "He'd make a fine messenger-boy." "That's so.