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In short, his succouring petition was most admirably framed, had he stuck to it, for the welfare of both of us. We now received our first letters from home, and in one from Sir Roderick Murchison I found the Royal Geographical Society had awarded me their "founder's medal" for the discovery of the Victoria N'yanza in 1858. Conclusion

He writes to the king of Portugal concerning his voyage to China. He assembles the fathers of Goa by night, and upon what account. He departs from Goa, and what happens him in the way. Before his arrival at Malacca, he knows the plague is in the town. He employs himself in succouring the sick. He raises a young man to life. The embassy of China is crossed by the governor of Malacca.

We might relate the interesting stories, anecdotes, and narratives with which the explorers and the hunter sought to beguile the pleasant periods that used to follow supper and precede repose, and describe the tremendous energy of Paul Burns in springing to the rescue of the self-willed baby when it fell into the fire, and the cool courage of Oliver Trench in succouring the same baby when it tumbled into the water.

But as the material development of Japan and her civilization progressed, she stood constantly to lose more and gain less by despatching expeditions to a land which squandered much of its resources on internecine quarrels and was deteriorating by comparison. The task of maintaining Mimana and succouring Kudara then became an obligation of prestige which gradually ceased to interest the nation.

Hornblower also swept past yelling derisively, with his luggage neatly piled above his head. "Let's get out and walk," muttered Ansell. But Rickie was succouring a distressed female Mrs. Aberdeen. "Oh, Mrs. Aberdeen, I never saw you: I am so glad to see you I am so very glad." Mrs. Aberdeen was cold. She did not like being spoken to outside the college, and was also distrait about her basket.

The fisher-men that inhabited the sea-side, expecting a booty, in all haste put out with their boats; but when they saw those in the vessel that cou'd defend their own; they chang'd their design of pillaging to succouring.

A short time before the giant went to your father's, I transgressed; my punishment was a suspension of power for a limited time an unfortunate circumstance, as it totally prevented my succouring your father. "The day on which you met the butcher, as you went to sell your mother's cow, my power was restored. It was I who secretly prompted you to take the beans in exchange for the cow.

We agreed about the wickedness of that boy, especially when Dave reported ingratitude on his part towards the sister, who was tending him, whom he smacked and whose hair he pulled. To think of his smacking that dear girl that played the piano so nicely all day! And pulling her back-tails so she called out when she was actually succouring his lacerated face.

Why, the people who put on the skates for the patrons of the rink, of course!" One could write volumes on this systematic relief work, the businesslike industry of succouring Belgium by the businesslike Belgians, with American help.

Equally brilliant was the charge of the Inniskillings, in the centre of the brigade. They rode down Donzelot's division, jostled its ranks into a helpless mass, and captured a great number of prisoners. The Scots Greys, too, succouring the hard-pressed Gordons, fell fiercely on Marcognet's division.