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Beat the nozzle out of shape, to give room for the escape of the air displaced by the water. The best form of filling cap has a self-seating ground plug, which, if properly made, is steam-tight without any packing. If needed, asbestos packing can easily be inserted between plug and cap. Mud-holes.

An open-ended "trunk" piston, similar in principle to that used in gas engines, is employed; and the valve is of the piston type, which is less complicated than the box form of valve, though less easily made steam-tight in small sizes. The engine is single-acting, making only one power stroke per revolution.

If you have no steam-tight kettle, put a cloth between the lid and any kettle, and the purpose will be served. 250. =Chicken Broth.= Dress a chicken or fowl, cut it in joints, put them in a chopping bowl, and chop them into small pieces, using flesh, bones, and skin.

Each wheel is in a separate chamber formed by the diaphragms which rest on ledges on the inside of the wheel-case, their weight and steam pressure on the upper side holding them firmly in place and making a steam-tight joint where they rest. Each diaphragm, with the exception of the top one, carries the expanding nozzles for the wheel immediately below.

249. =Chicken Jelly.= Skin a chicken, removing all fat, and break up the meat and bones by pounding; cover them with cold water, heat them slowly in a steam-tight kettle, and simmer them to a pulp; then strain through a sieve or cloth, season to taste, and return to the fire without the cover, to simmer until the liquid is reduced one half, skimming off all fat. Cool to form a jelly.

SEASONING MAHOGANY. Having provided a steam-tight wooden box, capable of holding such pieces of mahogany as are wanted for chairs or other purposes, a pipe from a boiler must be adapted to it, by means of which the box is to be filled with steam, to a temperature about equal to that of boiling water.

The working cylinder is in the form of a liner to the cylinder, thus forming the steam jacket, with a view to future renewal. This lining has a flange at the lower part for bolting it down, being made steam-tight by the intervention of a copper packing ring. There is a similar ring at the upper part which is pressed down by the cylinder cover. The latter is cast hollow and strengthened by ribs.

Hawkins bent over the plate as much to hide the concern which appeared upon his face as for any other reason, I think. He arose rather suddenly, for a cloud of steam saluted him from a new spot. "Well," he said, "she's leaking a trifle." "But why?" "The plate isn't steam-tight, of course; and the engineer's sending us more pressure."

Watt describes it as a circular plate of metal, having a spindle fixed across its diameter, the plate being accurately fitted to an aperture in a metal ring of some thickness, through the edgeway of which the spindle is fitted steam-tight, and the ring fixed between the two flanches of the joint of the steam-pipe which is next to the cylinder.

It solves in a very simple manner the much-vexed problem of the rotary engine, upon which so much ingenuity has been fruitlessly exercised. The steam-turbine also has shown that, for taking advantage of the generation and the expansive power of steam, there is no absolute necessity for including a steam-tight chamber with moving parts in the machine.