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We have heard the violent terms in which both the Queen and the Earl denounced the men who accused the English government of any such intention. It had been formally denied by the States-General that Barneveld had ever used the language in that assembly with which he had been charged.

As to the ratification of the king, the archdukes were bound to deliver it in good and due form within three months, in order that the lords the States-General, their subjects and inhabitants, might enjoy effectively the fruits of the treaty; That the treaty should be published everywhere immediately after the ratification of the archdukes and States-General.

The great dividing-line between the two parties, that of Leicester and that of Holland, which controlled the action of the States-General, was the question of sovereignty. After the declaration of independence and the repudiation of Philip, to whom did the sovereignty belong? To the people, said the Leicestrians.

The Notables were a selection of important personages, chiefly of the upper order, without legal powers or initiative. It was hoped that they would strengthen the hands of the government, and that what they agreed to would be accepted by the class to which they belonged. It was an experiment to avert the evil day of the States-General.

Maritime judges were to decide upon prizes, the proceeds of which were not to be divided for six years, in order that war might be self-sustaining. Afterwards, the treasury of the United Provinces should receive one-tenth, Prince Maurice one- thirtieth, and the merchant stockholders the remainder. Governors and generals were to take the oath of fidelity to the States-General.

He added that, as he had no intention of usurping any superiority over the states-general assembled at Brussels, he was content to leave the settlement of this point to their free-will and wisdom, engaging himself neither to offer nor permit any hindrance to their operations. With this answer the deputies are said to have been well pleased.

Birth and parentage of Don John Barbara Blomberg Early education and recognition by Philip Brilliant military career Campaign against the Moors Battle of Lepanto Extravagant ambition Secret and rapid journey of the new Governor to the Netherlands Contrast between Don John and William of Orange Secret instructions of Philip and private purposes of the Governor Cautious policy and correspondence of the Prince Preliminary, negotiations with Don John at Luxemburg characterized Union of Brussels Resumption of negotiations with the Governor at Huy The discussions analyzed and characterized Influence of the new Emperor Rudolph II. and of his envoys Treaty of Marche en Famine, or the Perpetual Edict, signed Remarks upon that transaction Views and efforts of Orange in opposition to the treaty His letter, in name of Holland and Zealand, to the States-General Anxiety of the royal government to gain over the Prince Secret mission of Leoninus His instructions from Don John Fruitless attempts to corrupt the Prince Secret correspondence between Don John and Orange Don John at Louvain His efforts to ingratiate himself with the Netherlanders His incipient popularity Departure of the Spanish troops Duke of Aerschot appointed Governor of Antwerp citadel His insincere character.

The submission of the authorities to this treatment brought upon them a reproach of violation of neutrality by the States-General; the Governments of Munster and of the duchies being informed that, if they aided and abetted the one belligerent, they must expect to be treated as enemies by the other.

Twenty-four stuivers, or two shillings, a day were allowed by the States-General for the support of each prisoner and his family.

The English were not willing that the States-General should be comprehended among the powers to be invited to join the league, because being under the protection of the Queen of England they were supposed to have no will but hers.