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N., our longitude 50deg. 17min. Incomprehensible altogether is the conduct of Captain Huntly. Here we are, already more than ten degrees south of the point from which, we started, and yet still we are persistently following a south-easterly course! I cannot bring myself to the conclusion that the man is mad. I have had various conversations with him: he has always spoken rationally and sensibly.

The Captain, however, made light of it. "Pooh, pooh!" cried he, "it's only brought up by the south-easterly wind and will be cleared off by the morning, when you'll probably have a hotter day than ever." This allayed Mrs Strong's forebodings in reference to the weather, and she began to wonder what had become of Bob during their absence. "He must have found the day very long, poor boy!" she said.

Occasionally the dragoman, waving a smooth hand east or south-easterly, will speak of some fight. Then every one murmurs: 'Oh yes. That was Gordon, of course, or 'Was that before or after Omdurman? But the river is much more precise.

Meantime the Wenuses, flushed with their success in Westbourne Grove, had carried their devastating course in a south-easterly direction, looting Marshall and Snelgrove's, bearing away the entire stock of driving-gloves from Sleep's and subjecting Redfern's to the asphyxiating fumes of the Red Weed.

The Tigris from Til to Mosul pursues also a south-easterly course, and draws but a very little nearer to the Euphrates.

These have their origin amongst the clinkstone heights of Mont Mezen, and taking their course along the granitic plateau in a south-easterly direction, ultimately pass over on to the Jurassic and Cretaceous formations composing the plateau of the Coiron, which break off in vertical cliffs from 300 to 400 feet in height, surmounting the slopes that rise from the banks of the Ardèche and Escourtais rivers near Villeneuve de Bere.

Now he saw it was as he had feared he was in the depths of the forest, and the horse was plodding along in a south-easterly direction. He seemed determined to carry the dean as far from church and rectory as he could. "The clergyman dismounted. He could not let the horse carry him into the wilderness. He must go home.

I gave them some food and water, but they were almost too far gone to eat. From thence, travelling south-easterly, we came upon the Neale's River, in forty miles.

Helena, on the eastern coast of Patagonia, where some valuable observations were taken on the position of that town. Weddell put to sea again on the 27th December, and steering in a south-easterly direction, came in sight, on the 12th January, of an archipelago to which he gave the name of the Southern Orkneys. These islands are situated in S. lat. 60 degrees 45 minutes, and W. long. 45 degrees.

"What is your name, my man?" "Quimp, sar; and dat's de short for Quimple," replied the colored person of this name. "Where do you live?" "Ober on de shor dar, in de woods." "How deep is the water inside of these keys, Quimp?" asked Christy, pointing to the long, narrow islands which lined the south-easterly side of the bay.