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Men decamped without firing, or threw down their arms and surrendered, and it was so easy that I began to think of traps. At length we got under fire from our own skirmishers, and suffered some casualties, the only ones received in the movement. Our whole skirmish line was advancing briskly as the Federals retired. I sought Ewell, and reported.

These results were not obtained without much hard marching and a little hard fighting. Small columns under Crabbe, Capper, Wyndham, Nickall, and Lund, were continually on the move, with little to show for it save an ever-widening area of settled country in their rear. In a skirmish on February 20th Judge Hugo, a well-known Boer leader, was killed, and Vanheerden, a notorious rebel, was captured.

At 10 o'clock they were discussing the prospects of the approaching march, and eagerly weighing the chances of a skirmish. The more sanguine asserted that there would be a fight a small one, it was true but still a skirmish. Many of those who had never been in action before congratulated themselves on the unlooked-for opportunity.

I was on the skirmish line, and I noticed an Indian, who was riding a large bay horse, and giving orders to his men in his own language which I could occasionally understand telling them that they had lost everything, that they were ruined, and he entreated them to follow him, and fight until they died.

Elphinstone answered that he was bound to obey only reasonable commands, that he considered this command as unreasonable, and, in short, that he would not go. Major Fullarton, a brave man, esteemed by all parties, but peculiarly attached to Argyle, undertook to land with only twelve men, and did so in spite of a fire from the coast. A slight skirmish followed. The militia fell back.

Our law is renowned for never being swayed by sentimental reasons. I well recollect a case in the days of the Great Skirmish, when a jury found contrary to the plainest facts sooner than allow that reputation for impartiality to be tarnished." "Ah!" said the Angel absently; "what is happening now?" "The jury are considering their verdict.

We were immediately ordered to fire upon them and drive them out. After a sharp skirmish of half an hour we drove them clear out of the woods and into their rifle-pits. We then occupied the woods, and we kept up such a sharp fire upon them that not one of the rascally Rebs dared lift his head above the works. We were just in time to save the Twelfth Maine from being flanked and cut to pieces.

Catharine Flight of its garrison, and occupation by Maurice Surrender of Ysendyke and Aardenburg Skirmish at Stamper's Hook Siege of Sluys by Prince Maurice Ineffectual attempt of Spinola to relieve the town Its capitulation and restoration to the States Death of Lewis Gunther of Nassau Operations at Ostend Surrender of the garrison Desolation of the scene after its evacuation.

Cranston's troop was instantly deployed into long skirmish line at the gallop, and the affair was practically over by the time Major White, leaving the infantry battalion to guard the post, had reached the scene. Meantime the composure of the mothers and children left at the cantonment was in no wise augmented by the panic-stricken guise of the arriving refugees, Mrs.

While the former surveyed the ruins, both internally and externally, with the curiosity of one whose recollections were reviving at each moment, Chingachgook related to his son, in the language of the Delawares, and with the pride of a conqueror, the brief history of the skirmish which had been fought, in his youth, in that secluded spot.