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Before quitting the subject of Jung's shooting-party, I must remark, in justice to him as a sportsman, that he considers nothing less than a deer to be game at all.

The shooting-party left Windygates. "YE'LL just permit me to remind ye again, young leddy, that the hottle's full exceptin' only this settin'-room, and the bedchamber yonder belonging to it." So spoke "Mistress Inchbare," landlady of the Craig Fernie Inn, to Anne Silvester, standing in the parlor, purse in hand, and offering the price of the two rooms before she claimed permission to occupy them.

He would not even dine at The Manor, nor would he join the shooting-party, although Garvington, with a singular blindness, urged him to do so.

It was true that all fell to the pilot's gun, perhaps owing to Hans' filial instinct and his parent's canny egotism in choosing his own lair, or perhaps it was chance; but the shooting-party was none the less a triumphal success.

"I dreamt about Raby, and the first time I saw you there in the old Duke's day. What a pretty thing you were, Laura! like a monthly rose, all pink." He patted her hand; Lady Laura shrugged her shoulders rather pettishly. "It's no good thinking about that now.... You're not really going to have a shooting-party, Arthur? I do wish you wouldn't!"

'I took good care to make Captain Hibbert promise not to go to this shooting-party the last time I saw him. 'And what harm was there in his going to this shooting-party? said Alice. 'What harm? I suppose, miss, you have heard what kind of woman Mrs. Lawler is? Ask Barnes, 'You shouldn't talk in this way, Olive. We know well enough that Mrs.

And here, again, as the hours crept by, was something of a more practical nature to remind him of the now far-distant strath. In order to save him from the hurry of a twenty-minutes' railway-station dinner, Lady Adela had ordered a luncheon-basket to be packed for him, and her skill and forethought in this direction were unequalled, as many a little shooting-party had joyfully discovered.

Once more he is at the old place in Cheshire, whither he has gone like any other young dandy, an agreeable addition to a country shooting-party because of his chestnut locks, his blue eyes, his handsome person, and general recklessness of character; agreeable, he reflects, to elderly roués and established married women, but a scarecrow to mothers, and a stumbling-block to daughters, as being utterly penniless and rather good-for-nothing.

What if some opposing newspaper take up the cudgels in his behalf, and assert that the victim of all Pandora's complaints, whom we send tottering to the grave, passes one half the day in knocking up a 'distinguished company' at a shooting-party, and the other half in outdoing the same 'distinguished company' after dinner?

I was to have come out that year in London, but ill-health had prevented me; and as a sort of consolation Lucy had kindly asked me to spend a fortnight at Mervyn, and be present at a shooting-party, which was to assemble there in the first week of October.