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"Is that Lady Janet Roy?" she asked, with her eyes fixed on the mistress of the house. Julian answered, and drew back to watch the result. The woman in the poor black garments changed her position for the first time. She moved slowly across the room to the place at which Lady Janet was sitting, and addressed her respectfully with perfect self-possession of manner.

"Ready pull!" And the broad blades dipped in the water, and bent before the vigorous arms of the youthful oarsmen. "Starboard oars, cease rowing back!" continued the coxswain, with admirable dignity and self-possession; and the Zephyr, acted upon by this maneuver, came about as though upon a pivot, without going either backward or forward.

Seguin, addressing himself to Marianne, asked her jestingly: "And so that little gentleman is the fourteenth you have nursed?" She likewise laughed. "No; I mustn't tell fibs! I have nursed twelve, including this one; that is the exact number." Beauchene, who had recovered his self-possession, could not refrain from intervening once more: "A full dozen, eh! It is madness!"

He was extremely well dressed, and, though one might detect some awkwardness in his movements, his manner had that composure which comes from a great knowledge of the world, and from a natural self-possession and independence of character. His brother, though older by a year, might have passed for being several years younger.

Somehow she seemed a fine lady in the dignity of manner and the self-possession that she had taken on with characteristic quickness of apprehension and imitation, and Mrs. Newton felt as if the housework were unsuited to her. Even her father looked at her with a sort of respect, and forbore to chide her as had been his wont.

His chin was full and somewhat sensual-looking, but withal he was a manly, frank-faced young fellow, and was said to have gained self-possession and lost the early nervous awkwardness of his new position with great rapidity. Circumstances had even then occurred to prove that he was very far from destitute of a will of his own, and that he had no favour for any diminution of the Royal Prerogative.

And such self-possession has the Lord given me, that in the times of the deepest poverty, whilst there was nothing at all in hand, and whilst we had even from meal to meal to wait upon the Lord for the necessities of more than one hundred persons, when a donation of five pounds or ten pounds, or more, has been given to me, the donors could not have read in my countenance whether we had much or nothing at all in hand.

Few men have appeared on either side in this contest who combine dash and caution, intrepidity and calmness, boldness of plan with self-possession in execution, as does Morgan. The feat reported of him in Nashville, shortly after the Rebel army retreated through it, illustrates this.

For an instant he felt as though he would collapse, then, summoning all his will, he fought back the emotion which was almost choking him. By a supreme effort he partially regained his self-possession and managed to assume an ordinary expression.

"Touch me if you dare!" growled Ratman; "it will be the worse for you and every one. Do you know who I am! I'm I'm," here he pulled himself up and glared his enemy in the face "I'm Roger Ingleton!" It spoke worlds for the tutor's self-possession that in the start produced by this announcement he did not let his victim escape.