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To this charming hut, in the sunny woods, overlooking a flowery glacier meadow and a lake rimmed with white water-lilies, we were hauled by an ox-team across trackless carex swamps and low rolling hills sparsely dotted with round-headed oaks.

Bid the soldiers forward, and give the dotard the same choice that you give all his countrymen to stand aside or be trampled on!" "Nay, nay, let us show respect to the good grandsire," said Bullivant, laughing. "See you not, he is some old round-headed dignitary, who hath lain asleep these thirty years, and knows nothing of the change of times?

She took great pains to starch and iron the clothes it was to wear on the appointed day. Gerhardt sought out the minister of the nearest Lutheran church, a round-headed, thick-set theologian of the most formal type, to whom he stated his errand. "Your grandchild?" inquired the minister. "Yes," said Gerhardt, "her father is not here." "So," replied the minister, looking at him curiously.

"Aye!" said Goodman Blane. "I would not be in Miller Luck's shoes just now. I wonder where he is, poor rogue. Which side have got his mill, think you, Master Brown?" "The round-headed rascals for certain," said Master Brown, "and the bridge too, trying to hinder the King's men from crossing bag and baggage to relieve the town." "See, there's a party drawing together. Is it to force the bridge?"

The northern entrance to the building is another fine example of twelfth-century Spanish, or Galician Romanesque. The tower which stands to the left of the northern entrance is one of the few in the Romanesque style to be seen in northern Spain; it is severe in its structure and pierced by a series of round-headed windows.

Passing round the south face of the transept, we come to the #apsidal chapel# attached to its eastern wall. Quite recently a new high-pitched roof has been placed over this chantry. The illustration shows it before this change was made. Beyond this we come to the south aisle of the choir, with its three bays, each containing a round-headed window. The arrangement here is rather peculiar.

We have here the only external view of the whole length of the #North Side Of The Nave#. With the exception of the clerestory range, and, of course, the north transept, the first impression is not that of a Norman building. The single broad light of the Norman clerestory, with its adjacent round-headed lancets in the wall, remains in each bay unaltered.

The Malanaus seem to be by nature peculiarly round-headed; the question whether this is due to the effects of head-flattening practised for many generations, must be left to the investigations of the Neo-Lamarckians.

It is a pleasant and picturesque little place, situated in a valley just where the Exe as a tumbling brook emerges from the moors to settle down into a sober stream; and is a favourite meet for the staghounds. The church is a good-sized building, with a gaunt-looking tower, but is of no particular interest. The font, is Norm., and so probably is the round-headed S. doorway.

He and Vaughan examined it: the top showed a deep cleft. Others at the same time cried out that they were walking among bones. "Some Indian battle has taken place here," observed Roger. "That is no Indian skull," said Vaughan, "but that of a round-headed Englishman. The blow which killed him, it is clear, was inflicted by an Indian tomahawk."