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John, the Hyacinth, and the Padilla. The Trinity and the Opportunity had been destroyed off Cezimbra. Now there happened to be cruising just then in the channel, Captain Peter Mol, master of the Dutch war-ship Tiger, and Captain Lubbertson, commanding the Pelican.

How important were the industries of the earlier days we can guess from the single fact that John of Padilla, when he rose in defence of municipal liberty in the time of Charles V., drew in one day from the teeming workshops twenty thousand fighting men. He met the usual fate of all Spanish patriots, shameful and cruel death. His palace was razed to the ground.

Nevertheless, it was said at the Casino that it was possible Padilla would finally win the election, because he might have an overwhelming majority in five or six rural wards. At four in the afternoon the results in the city gave the victory to Moncada. Next to him came San Roman, and in the last place Padilla. The returns began to come in from the villages.

The Conservatives at Castro Duro were ready to commit the greatest outrages and the most arbitrary acts so as to win by any methods. It was known that a committee consisting of Garcia Padilla, Father Martin Lafuerza, and two Conservative councillors had gone to the Minister of the Interior to beg that Caesar's victory might be prevented by whatsoever means.

I suppose that it will be published, for I observe that the "not published" is written, not printed, and that Moxon's name is on the title-page. It is called "The Castilian," is on the story of a revolt headed by Don John de Padilla in the early part of Charles the Fifth's reign, and is more like Ion than either of his other tragedies.

It stood: Moncada, 3705. Garcia Padilla, 1823. San Roman, 750. When it was known that Caesar had played a trick on his enemies under their noses, he came into great estimation. The judge said: "I believe you were all deceived. You supposed Don Caesar to be a sucking dove, and he is going to turn out to be a vulture for us."

Intermingled with this career of vice and perfidy and bloodshed is the love of Maria de Padilla, whom the king met when he was eighteen, and till her death loved passionately with brief inconstancies, for fidelity has never been a royal virtue; and she figures with gentle pathos in that grim history like wild perfumed flowers on a storm-beaten coast.

The chapels on each side, the most beautiful in Spain, abound in riches of art and pious memorials, with chief among them the Royal Chapel, in the prow, as it were, of the ship which the cathedral has been likened to, keeping the bones not only of the sainted hero, King Fernando, but also, among others, the bones of Peter the Cruel, and of his unwedded love, Maria de Padilla, far too good for Peter in life, if not quite worthy of San Fernando in death.

Those present took to their heels; the pharmacist went to jail to keep San Roman and Ortigosa company, and the Club was shut up.... The election was won by Padilla. The banquet in honour of Padilla was given at the Cafe del Comercio. All the important persons of the town, many of whom had been Caesar's adherents the day before, had gathered to feast the victor.

"By the way, on the road there we bowed to the present Deputy to the Cortes, he who will be my opponent in the approaching election, Senor Garcia Padilla." "Dear man! What a coincidence! What sort is he?" "He is tall, with a reddish aquiline nose, a greyish moustache, full of cosmetic, a poor type." "He is a Liberal?" "Yes, he is a Liberal, because Don Calixto is a Conservative.