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There were also country people among them sons of the men who stood in the ditches and peat-pits out there. "The little man's children," Morten called them. These were the offspring of those who had made the Movement; that was how it should go on.

At the same moment I observed, stealing softly on me from an opposite direction, a younger man of equally formidable aspect; and, to judge by certain of his facial attributes, the son of the first intruder. I shortly afterward ascertained that they were indeed father and offspring. The younger marauder bore a large, jagged club and carried a rope coiled over his arm.

In the examples adduced hitherto, the action of each individual has been done on the individual's own behalf, except in the case of instincts connected with the continuation of the species, where the action benefits others that is to say, the offspring of the creature performing it.

His imperial master would be touched, indeed, to hear that even the bereaved mother, who, like Niobe, mourned for her offspring, had broken the stony spell which held her to Sipylos, and had decked herself to receive the greatest of all earthly guests as radiant as Juno at the golden table of the gods.

This child this sickly, wretched, humor-eaten infant, the offspring of unspeakable sin and sorrow, whom it must have required several generations of guilty progenitors to render so pitiable an object as we beheld it immediately took an unaccountable fancy to the gentleman just hinted at.

One can thus become accustomed, little by little, to control one's gaze, to force an estimate of its influence, and to neutralize the effect of that of other people. Another highly important point in the conquest of poise is the struggle against awkwardness, which is at once the parent and the offspring of timidity. Let us make ourselves clear.

Under the influence of that insanity of great minds, Ambition, each filled the world with his reflected glory, and each failed in his dearest and most cherished wish, the perpetuation of his name through his offspring. Much good did either do, but in the prosecution of the plans of each, much innocent blood was spilled. They both were great! Was either good?

A natural science which, if any comparisons are possible, may outweigh all others in importance to the race, is the rising one of "eugenics," the improvement of the human race by controlling the production of its offspring.

Carabaos have only one babe at a birth, so why should women have two babes? they ask. They believe that one of the twins, which unfortunate one they call "a-tin-fu-yang'," is an anito child; it is the offspring of an anito. The anito father is said to have been with the mother of the twins in her unconscious slumber, and she is in no way criticised or reproached.

I felt the utmost reluctance to be guilty of a falsehood, but by falsehood only could I elude detection. That my guilt was the offspring of a fatal necessity, that the injustice of others gave it birth and made it unavoidable, afforded me slight consolation. Nothing can be more injurious than a lie, but its evil tendency chiefly respects our future conduct.