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"Paris, Brumaire II, year II., club of the Friends of Liberty and Equality, in session at the former Jacobin club, rue St. Honore. List of the citizens who are to set out for Lyons and act as national commissioners. The committee demanded by Terrasson is appointed." It is evident that they hold on energetically to this monopoly. Cf. Moniteur, XIX., 637.

The General threw himself on the divan, ran his eye over the 'Moniteur de l'Armee', approving of some military promotions, and criticising others; and, little by little, he fell into a doze, his head resting on his chest. But Camors was not reading. He listened vaguely to the music of the orchestra, and fell into a reverie.

Her stay in Dresden was the crowning point of her brief grandeur, the end of the swift but dazzling period of prosperity and good fortune which may be described as the happy days of the Empress Marie Louise. The Moniteur of May 10, 1812, contained the following announcement: "Paris, May 9. The Emperor left to-day to inspect the Grand Army assembled on the Vistula.

Moniteur, Aug.28 and 29, 1797. We no longer reply to the objections of avarice; we will force the rich to fulfill the duties of fraternity which they have abjured." Ibid. Hence an immense number of malcontents." Sauzay, I., 97. Order issued by General Dieche to Coppin, in command of the "Seminaire" prison. "Strive with the utmost zeal to suppress the cackle of aristocrats."

"Hear the voice resounding From the banks of the Danube to the banks of the Seine; Hear the voice that promises A long reign to the happiness which this day brings." Then was given the chorus from Iphigenia: "What grace, what majesty!" a chorus which Glueck, said the Moniteur, "could not have made more beautiful, even if he had foreseen this occasion."

He often dictated to me for the 'Moniteur' articles tending to prove, by various arguments, that Europe would never enjoy repose until those great spoilations were avenged and repaired; but he frequently destroyed these articles instead of sending them to press. His system of policy towards Russia changed shortly after the death of Paul.

The Consul now made the Moniteur the vehicle of continual abuse against the sovereigns of Russia and Sweden; and the latter caused a note to be handed to the French minister at Stockholm, complaining of the "indecent and ridiculous insolence which Monsieur Buonaparte had permitted to be inserted" in that official journal.

Bonaparte could never, like the English, bring himself to despise newspaper libels, and he revenged himself by violent articles which he caused to be inserted in the 'Moniteur'. He directed M. Otto to remonstrate, in an official note, against a system of calumny which he believed to be authorised by the English Government. Besides this official proceeding he applied personally to Mr.

"A certain domain was handed over to one of their creatures by the revolutionary departments for almost nothing, less than the proceeds of the first cut of wood." Moniteur, XXIII., 397. Willot to the Minister, Ventose 10, and of Gen. Merle to Gen. Ibid., F 7, 7164. Letter of Gen.

She went off, in the best of spirits, to the work in front of her, which after all was a more reasonable cure than tossing about the Outer Hebrides in a five-ton yacht. I drove home to bed and slept the sleep of the perfect altruist. I was reading the Moniteur du Puy de Dome on the hotel terrace next morning, when Lackaday was announced.