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But there was something frank and English even in his mode of bowing before the mighty ones, and to those who were not mighty he was rather too civil than either stern or supercilious. He knew that he was not very clever, but he knew also how to use those who were clever. He seldom made any mistake, and was very scrupulous not to tread on men's corns.

Calhoun had gone back into the Med Ship and treated the blaster burn on his side. He'd changed his clothing from the scorched uniform to civilian garb. It would not look eccentric here. Men's ordinary garments were extremely similar all over the galaxy. Women's clothes were something else.

Men will not take up the 'intolerable disease of thought' unless their feelings are first stirred, and the strength of the idea of Science has been that it does touch men's feelings, and draws motive power for thought from the passions of reverence, of curiosity, and of limitless hope. A. T. Hadley in Munsey's Magazine, 1907.

She refused to have her mission examined and tried by the earthly Church. The refusal was taken note of. She denied the accusation of idolatry and that she had sought men's homage. She said: "If any kissed my hands and my vestments it was not by my desire, and I did what I could to prevent it." She had the pluck to say to that deadly tribunal that she did not know the fairies to be evil beings.

In the field-mouse, the daisy, the water-fowl, he beholds types and symbols. His own experience stands for all men's. The conscience-stricken Macbeth is a poet when he cries, "Life is a walking shadow," and King Lear makes the same pathetic generalization when he exclaims, "What, have his daughters brought him to this pass?"

Jane wondered what a novel about Roedean or Wycombe Abbey would be like. The queer thing was that some young woman didn't write one; it need be no duller than the young men's. Rather duller, perhaps, because schoolgirls were more childish than schoolboys, the problems of their upbringing less portentous.

Hildegarde, spoils men's good manners, making them utter speech contrary to God, on hearing which words the spirits of the air gather about him who has spoken them, and finally drive him mad.

In addition to the impedimenta already mentioned, a few necessary tools, a supply of cordage for transporting the machine, and three bottles of brandy for emergencies had been judiciously added to the men's burdens. Each, in addition, carried a small flat water-jug, tightly stopped, slung over his shoulder.

O, to be so well enlightened as to speak of the one, that is the law, for to magnify the gospel -and also to speak of the gospel so as to establish and yet not to idolize the law, nor any particulars thereof -it is rare; and to be heard and found but in very few men's breasts.

The term may seem pedantic and histological, but it has the attraction to my mind of a reminiscence of student days. If I were to formulate my opinions upon style, I should say: "Imitations of other men's styles are bad, but a man's own style is good." There is a store of common literary finery, almost all of which is in constant use and has become familiar.