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"Capital is timid," said Adam Smith, the truth of which many of us can attest. Peabody knew the trade of America; and his business now was to make advances to English jobbers on shipments going to "the States." Thus did he lubricate the wheels of trade.

Miss Dickenson didn't really identify this as a practicable shade of character, but she pretended she did. In fact she said: "Oh, I know exactly what you mean. I've known people like that," merely to lubricate the conversation. Then she asked: "Did you ever talk to the Earl about him?" "Tim? Yes, a little. He doesn't disguise his liking for him, personally.

"Whereat the good Count looked puzzled as I meant him to be: a heinous fault, and one intolerant to the clergy, that love of profane tongues! "That's clear!" said a fat priest, with a lubricate and shining nose. "And how," pursued the abbot triumphantly, "can a sinner open his heavy heart until you have given him something to lighten it?

He must also know the names of the principal parts and their functions; how to start, drive, feed, stop, and lubricate any one of them chosen by the candidate. Farmer: A scout must have a practical knowledge of ploughing, cultivating, drilling, hedging and draining.

Then, aloud, he addressed the melancholy black beanpoles; but to my surprise, instead of using his fluent Italian to lubricate the strained situation, he spoke in English. "Good day. Do you want something with me?" Of course they didn't understand. How could they have been expected to? But they did not look astonished.

We shall find plenty of room for your facility; it will lubricate our whole existence. Believe me, Miss Tarrant, these things will take care of themselves. You won't sing in the Music Hall, but you will sing to me; you will sing to every one who knows you and approaches you.

Now they were north somewhere, and we should have little to fear from them, though we might meet with a few. My first concern was to take my weapons apart and dry them, which was rather difficult in the face of the fact that every rag about me was drenched. But finally, thanks to the sun and much rubbing, I succeeded, though I had no oil to lubricate them.

Why should it not successfully lubricate the skin of your skull?" Only the dread of "a row" between Jack and Clem enabled me to keep anything like gravity. "Don't talk nonsense, Jack!" said I, as severely as I could. "You said, 'How happy we were, that summer we went sketching! or words to that effect.

It was true that he had sent her four hundred pounds for the education of her son and daughter; it was equally true that he had brought with him to London a sum which any of his ancestors, so far as she knew about them, would have deemed a fortune, and which he treated as merely so much oil, with which to lubricate the machinery of his great enterprise.

Whether Greek or Latin ever helped any man to become a better thinker is a mooted question, but the practise of talking off in your own tongue a page of a foreign language is a mighty good way to lubricate your English. William Pitt had all the graces of a great orator he was deliberate, self-possessed, positive.