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It was hard for me to leave Keilhau, but our trip to Rudolstadt, to which my dearest companions accompanied me, was merry enough. With Barop's permission we had a banquet in the peasant tavern there, whose cost was defrayed by the kreutzers which had been paid as fines for offences against table rules.

I will give you six kreutzers if you sing in tune, and a flogging if you grate upon my ears." He arose and put his album under his arm. "And my portrait?" exclaimed the young girl, whose cheek was still burning from the kiss she had just received.

He was struck as he told me after by the look of it sitting in a scene of carnage, orphaned without the sense of it, and he carried it before him on the saddle for a many leagues' march till he found a peaceful wayside cottage, where he gave it in the charge of as honest a woman, to all appearance, as these parts could boast He might even for all I know to the contrary have fairly bought her attention for it by a season's paying of the kreutzers, and I know it cost him a duel with a fool who mocked the sentiment of the deed."

It was on the 17th of January, 1773, that schoolboy Schiller, with disappointment in his heart, said farewell to his tearful mother and took his cold way up the long avenue which led from Ludwigsburg to Castle Solitude. According to the official record he arrived there with a chillblain, an eruption of the scalp, fourteen Latin books, and forty-three kreutzers in money.

A caricature was published some time ago in which he is represented as giving a beggar-woman by the wayside a kreutzer the smallest German coin. She is made to exclaim, "God reward you a thousand fold!" He immediately replies, after reckoning up in his head, "How much have I then? Sixteen florins and forty kreutzers!"...

Our real starting-point on tramp was Linz, whence we pursued our way through Wells, Gmunden, Ebensee, and Ishl to Salzburg, in which beautiful city we rested for a day and half. We steamed across lake Traun from Gmunden, and paid a fare of twenty-five kreutzers, or fourpence.

A caricature was published some time ago, in which he is represented as giving a beggar woman by the way-side, a kreutzer the smallest German coin. She is made to exclaim, "God reward you, a thousand fold!" He immediately replies, after reckoning up in his head: "How much have I then? sixteen florins and forty kreutzers!"

From Braunau, in Bohemia, through Bielitz, in Poland, to Meseritsch, and from Meseritsch, by Thorn, to Ebling; in the whole 169 miles, performed without begging or stealing. January 18th, 1747. From Braunau, by Politz, to Nachod, three miles, we having three florins forty-five kreutzers in our purse. Jan. 19. To Neustadt.

For its dirt, its darkness, and its utter want of service, the Hof Brauerei is unequalled in the world, and nowhere else can be found such a mixed society. Entering the low-vaulted room, each one looks anxiously about for an empty mug. These are of gray stone, containing a mass, the price of which is seven and a half kreutzers. Spying one, he hastens to secure it from other competitors.

"He's such a dear." "No, no! I am not going to have my little hunchback and her cat outdone," he refused; and then he was about to yield. "Hold on!" said Stoller, assuming the host. "I got the change." He gave the boy a few kreutzers, when Mrs.