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And tears, no longer to be restrained, trickled down the worn, cadaverous face of Mrs. Krauss. The solemn promise Mrs. Krauss had made to Mrs. Milward was honourably redeemed, and a new and agreeable vista opened before Sophy Leigh.

FitzGerald was sent for in such a hurry is that the police have been given the straight tip, and expect to make a real fine haul of smugglers and opium this very night!" Herr Krauss glanced quickly at his neighbour, his eyes flickering. "Mr.

I shall be stopping with Mary for a few days before going up the river; but I think Sophy will be all right. After all, Mrs. Krauss is her own aunt." If Shafto and Sophy had become friendly over games, discussions and little special teas with Mrs.

Nerita quadricolor, Gmelin. 52. Nerita rumphii Recluz. 53. Turbo petholatus, Linne. 54. Chiton sp. 62. Bulla ampulla, Linne. II. Conchifera Dione florida, Lamarck. 64. Dione sp. 65. Tellina staurella, Lamarck. 66. Paphia glabrata, Gmelin. 67. Chama Ruppellii, Reeve. 68. Cardium leucostoma, Born. 70. Venericardia Cumingii, Deshayes. 71. Modiola auriculata, Krauss. 72.

"And you and Herr Krauss are tête-

"And so I hear you are niece to Herr Krauss," he began abruptly, as he lounged against the bulwarks; "I know him well." "And my aunt?" "Yes, I've met her two or three times; she must have been splendidly handsome once; now she looks broken up it's the climate. No woman should remain in Lower Burma for eight years without a change."

Two evenings later, at the Gymkhana Club, Krauss lounged up to Shafto, who happened to be looking on at a billiard match. Taking a cigar out of his mouth he astonished him by saying: "Well, so you had no luck after that tiger down the river!" This was taking the bull by the horns indeed. "No," replied Shafto, "but Stafford saw him and got a shot. He is there all right."

Another point in favour of the short supply of cocaine is the disappearance of Krauss." "What!" exclaimed Sophy. "Oh, Douglas, surely you don't mean that he was in it?" "In it I should think so. Up to his neck!" "Oh, but are you certain?" "Quite certain! This will explain his many mysterious journeys, the gangs of natives who were always hanging round his office, and his suspicious opulence.

Compare M. Kowalewsky, in Folk-lore, i. p. 467. W.R.S. Ralston, op. cit. p. 240. W.R.S. Ralston, l.c. F.S. Krauss, "Altslavische Feuergewinnung," Globus, lix. p. 318. Ligho was an old heathen deity, whose joyous festival used to fall in spring. Ovid, Fasti, vi. 775 sqq. J. Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie,* i. 519.

"And what do you think of Rangoon?" inquired Mrs. Gregory. "Oh, do not ask her," interposed Mrs. Krauss with a dramatic gesture, "she has been with me for more than a fortnight, and this is the first time she has been beyond Kokine.