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"Where has this Junta of yours established itself?" asked Milsom, also taking up the conversation in Spanish, of which he had a serviceable knowledge. "Would it be possible to get a cable message into their hands from this side without the risk of it being intercepted by the Spaniards?" "Oh, yes; quite easily!" answered Don Hermoso.

He now associated himself with the alfaqui Abraham Alhariz and four of the principal inhabitants, and, forming a provisional junta, they sent heralds to the Christian sovereigns offering to surrender the city on certain terms protecting the persons and property of the inhabitants, permitting them to reside as mudexares or tributary vassals either in Malaga or elsewhere.

Our quest took us to a ramshackle building reminiscent of the days when the street bristled with bowsprits of ships from all over the world, an age when the American merchantman flew our flag on the uttermost of the seven-seas. On the ground floor was an apparently innocent junk dealer's shop, in reality the meeting-place of the junta.

When Bolivar was informed that the convention had adjourned, he wanted to return to the capital and withdraw from public life. This would have meant civil war with no man powerful enough to put an end to it. In the emergency an assembly of respectable persons met in Bogota and established a Junta, asking Bolivar to resume power and to hasten to the capital to handle the situation.

The situation on both sides of the ocean was now an extraordinary one. Just as the junta in Spain had no legal right to govern, so the officials in the colonies, holding their posts by appointment from a deposed king, had no legal authority, and the people would not allow them to accept new commissions from a usurper.

Superior P. M. Commander of Southern Region. "To The Honourable Sultan Raha Halon" Spanish for "mountain people." Extract from a letter to Apacible of the Hongkong junta dated February 26, 1899: "It is also said that the Cantonal Government of Negros has wished to make a treaty with the Americans, some members of that government having come in American transports to confer with General Otis.

From the moment of the first outbreak of insurrection in Cuba, in February, 1895, the name of the Cuban Junta has been a familiar phrase to everyone in the United States, and yet its functions and its organization have been by no means well understood.

Put them in prison, and keep them on frijoles and water for a year. That will cure rebellion: no chickens, no dulces, no aguardiente " Alvarado brought his staff of office down sharply upon a board he had provided for the purpose. "Gentlemen," he said, "will you not sit down and smoke another cigarito? We must be calm." The Junta took to its chairs at once.

There was his Cave's "Historia Literaria," and Sir Walter Raleigh's "History of the World," and a whole array of Christian Fathers, and Plato, and Aristotle, and Stanley's book of Philosophers, with Effigies, and the Junta Galen, and the Hippocrates of Foesius, and Walton's Polyglot, supported by Father Sanchez on one side and Fox's "Acts and Monuments" on the other, an odd collection, as folios from lower shelves are apt to be.

Santos leaned over, and with a graceful gesture that she could not resent, raised her finger tips gallantly to his lips. "Thank you," he said with, a courtly smile. "We have already won!" The next day Ramon introduced her to the other members of the Junta.