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She was very happy writing this letter: the little nut-brown home rose before her. "Ach!" she said, "how I long to be home!" And then she put down her pen, and sighed. "Ach!" she said, "and when I'm there, I shall long to be here. Da wo ich nicht bin, da ist das Gluck." Marie was something of a philosopher. Suddenly she heard the report of a pistol, followed by a second report.

One of the more remarkable observations made at el-'Amra was the progressive development of the tombs from the simplest pot-burial to a small brick chamber, the embryo of the brick tombs of the Ist Dynasty.

Winston Churchill was in no such perplexity. He was not an "ist" of any sort, but a straightforward holder of the popular opinion that if you are threatened you should hit out, unless you are afraid to.

A band of galloping centaurs closed in around the mail wagon. One of them leaned over the front wheel, covered the driver with his revolver, and ordered him to stop. Others caught at the bridles of Donder and Blitzen. "Donnerwetter! " shouted Fritz, with all his tremendous voice "wass ist? Release your hands from dose mules. Ve vas der United States mail!"

Worden; "but there is no telling how much better you would have got on, had you been an A. M. You might, in the last case, have been a general and a member of the King's council." "Dere ist no yeneral in ter colony, the commander-in-chief and His Majesty's representatif excepted," returned the colonel. "We are no Yankees, to make yenerals of ploughmen."

If a man contracts to sell the apples of one orchard, he can't put off the purchaser with the apples of another." "Und der law ist der same for one ast for anudder, in dese t'ings?" "There is no difference; and there should be none."

I remained with these men an hour and a half when I took leave of them and proceeded. while I halted with these men Colter and Collins who seperated from us on the 3rd ist. rejoined us. they were well no accedent having happened. they informed me that after proceeding the first day and not overtaking us that they had concluded that we were behind and had delayed several days in waiting for us and had thus been unable to join us untill the present momet. my wounds felt very stiff and soar this morning but gave me no considerable pain. there was much less inflamation than I had reason to apprehend there would be.

What shall I do? I shall never sleepe agen. Ri. Which tooth ist? Do. The sweet one you may be sure which troubles her. La. This, this, O that there. Ri. They are happie that are old and have no teeth. La. Oh, take heed, now it shoots up to my head. Ri. Thou dost make my head ake with the noise. La. If you knew what I suffer your head would ake indeed.

He may have lived as late as the time of the IId Dynasty, whereas Narmer must be placed at the beginning of the Ist, and his conquest was probably that which first united the two kingdoms of the South and North.

Still the life the explorers were compelled to lead was becoming very monotonous, when, on the morning of the ist of February, a number of figures were seen in the distance, moving over the ice. The spy-glasses were turned towards them, and they were pronounced to be Esquimaux.