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Waterproof calico sheeting should be taken in large quantities, and a tarpaulin to protect the baggage during the night's bivouac. No vulcanised India-rubber should be employed in tropical climates; it rots, and becomes useless. A quart syringe for injecting brine into fresh meat is very necessary.

Ultimately, and perhaps soon, we shall send the mosquito, the house-fly and the other buzzing pirates to join in the grave's silence their big brothers the mastodon and the rest. Then our fight will begin against invisible animal life, against the actual microbes of disease which the mosquito has been carrying around and injecting into us. It is a long fight, but, of course, we shall win it.

Even as the medics went about injecting carefully controlled dosages of sulph-hydral anti-radiation drugs, the beginnings of nausea were evident among those who had been overexposed.

Then he went on to tell about it, even to what had happened after Brutus arrived home in the big car, the object of attention in Darktown, with Sarah running like mad to find out what the garbled account brought by Adolphus Smith might really mean. The old lady was highly interested in the story, which really Hugh managed to tell quite cleverly, even injecting some humor in his narrative.

Upon injecting cultures from this sputum into guinea-pigs, the latter died in one-quarter of the time that it usually took them to succumb to a similar dose of an ordinary culture of the pneumococcus.

That this stimulus of the momentum of the particles of the circulating fluid is of the greatest consequence to the arterial action, appears from the experiment of injecting air into the blood vessels, which seems to destroy animal life from the want of this stimulus of momentum; for the distention of the arteries is not diminished by it, it possesses no corrosive acrimony, and is less liable to repass the valves than the blood itself; since air-valves in all machinery require much less accuracy of construction than those which are opposed to water.

Where the 'tailing up' of the carbonic oxide flame is objectionable, there is no practical difficulty whatever in constructing these burners as a ring, with an air supply in the center, which greatly reduces the length of the 'tail. In practice it is a decided advantage to have a center air-way in all burners of more than about 2 in. diameter, as it enables the injecting tube to be slightly shortened, and lessens the liability of the green film to lift with varying qualities of gas.

It ties directly into the bloodstream, keeping blood, sugar, et cetera, at optimum levels and injecting euphrin or depressin as necessary and occasionally a touch of extra adrenaline, as during work emergencies." "Is it painful?" Daisy called from the bedroom. "Excruciating," Gusterson called back. "Excuse it, please," he grinned at Fay.

This treatment has not the slightest harmful effect upon the horse. The pain of injecting is only like sticking a pin through the skin, while the pain of bleeding is no greater than cutting your finger. There are now at our great manufacturing laboratories whole stables full of horses, for the production of this wonderful remedy. Statistics from the City of New York.

He believes that his destiny is predetermined by God and that he will be rewarded in heaven for his sufferings on earth. What a marvelous opiate the ecclesiastics have been injecting into the minds of the masses! It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that capital has aided throughout the ages and has stood by religion.