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Rather, a thousand times rather, would he beg his bread, and attain great things in Art, than riot and revel in good-fortune. Colors, colors, canvas, a model like Sophonisba, and success in the realm of Art! It was for these things he longed, these things made him yearn with such passionate eagerness for deliverance, liberty.

It made him wild to think of all the several contingencies which might defraud him of that good-fortune which seemed but just now within his grasp.

To her he dedicated the first poems that he published; and she, too, was a poetess, excellent in her simple way. Thus was Charles Lamb's life saddened by a great affliction ever impending over it, and sanctified by a great duty which he never for a moment forgot. It was his good-fortune, while at school at Christ's Hospital, to become acquainted with Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

But this task has been nobly achieved by the enthusiasm, scientific acumen, and we may perhaps add good-fortune of an archaeologist who cherished a positive passion for everything relating to Homeric times. The number of objects picked up at different stages of the excavations was very considerable. Dr.

Of course the good-fortune that had come to the firm through Paul was known as soon as the other, and whenever one of the partners passed a group of merchants in his same line of business, he was sure to be pointed out as one of the boys who were the happy possessors of a clear hundred dollars.

But among his fellows he lived a happy comrade's life, spending his gifts and his knowledge without reserve, always ready to help a man in a tight place, to praise a friend's picture, to take up a friend's quarrel. He took his talent and his good-fortune so simply that the world must needs insist upon them, instead of contesting them.

I always thought of it as a fairy sort of ship, sailing on summer seas, freighted with youth and beauty, and carrying pleasure and good-fortune wherever it went. What more pleasing spectacle than this in a world that has such a bad name for want and misery? Henderson was master of the situation. The sudden accumulation of millions of money is a mystery to most people.

We used to talk about it by the fire in Brandon, where everything reminded us of the girl we loved, and rejoice in her good-fortune and happiness, and get rather heavy-hearted in thinking that she had gone away from us into such splendor. "I wish you were here," she wrote to my wife. "I am sure you would enjoy it.

I will therefore forestall misconception on this head. As regards general good-fortune, I am nearly fifty-five years old and for the last thirty years have never been laid up with illness nor had any physical pain that I can remember, not even toothache. Except sometimes, when a little over-driven, I have had uninterrupted good health ever since I was about five-and-twenty.

The occurrences we met with were ordinary, and very little happened which could entertain by the relation of them: But when I considered the company we were in, I took it for no small good-fortune that the whole journey was not spent in impertinencies, which to the one part of us might be an entertainment, to the other a suffering.